Living it up with Mr. Douglas.
In this video Mr. Paul Douglas, Director of Residential Affairs, talks about the student experience at the Academy.

I wanted to go to the Indiana Academy to meet people who had similar interests to my own. I wanted a more competitive education than I could have gotten at my old school.
Jason ’21
Academy Clubs 2023-2024
All Sorts of Sports Club
Art Club
Art Production Club
Asian Student Union (ASU)
Bible Study Club
Black Student Union (BSU)
Board Game Club
Business Club
Chess Club
Chinese Language Club
Colorguard Club
Comedy Sportz Club
Cozy Gaming Club
Encode Justice
French Club
History Club
IA Core Issue Newspaper Club
Innovation Club
Japan Club
Key Club
Literature & Literary Analysis Club
LSU, Latinx Student Union
Middle Eastern-North African Student Union (MENASU)
Model United Nations
Movie Mockery
Philosophy Club
Phyxt Gears Robotics
Piece of Mind (Puzzle Club)
Ping-Pong Club
Premier League Club
Roblox Club
Social Issues Book Club Presented by SEC
Spell Bowl (& other academic teams)
Technology Student Association
Tight KNIT Community
Ultimate Frisbee Ultimate Fun (UFUF)
Yoga Club
Mr. Wlodarek talks sports.
In this video Mr. Chad Wlodarek, former Athletic Director for the Indiana Academy and Burris, provides details about the combined Academy/Burris sports teams and seasons.

I chose to attend the Academy because it was much more flexible and offered a preparatory experience.
Justin ’22