Dr. Olufowote talks shop.
In this video Dr. Joel Olufowote, Director of Academic Affairs, explains the Indiana Academy’s academic offerings.
The Indiana Academy is consistently recognized in Indiana and nationally as a premier educational institution for gifted and talented students. In the latest Niche.com rankings for 2024, the Indiana Academy was rated as the #1 Best Public High School in Indiana. We also continue to be recognized as one of the best high schools in the nation with our 2024 ranking putting us in the Top 10 Best Public High School Teachers in America and in the Top 25 (at #21) Best Public High Schools in America.
Statistical data from the Indiana Academy Class of 2023.
Greetings from Dr. Kavars.
Dr. Dain Kavars, Executive Director, gives an overview of the Indiana Academy.

I chose to attend the Academy because I wanted a challenge. After researching what the Academy had to offer, I was excited to begin my journey. My home school didn’t offer Dual Credit, AP, or Honors classes. Now, at the Academy, I have almost two years of my college prerequisites completed!
Josie ’21
Our faculty are among the Top 10 Best Public High School Teachers in America, which is only part of what makes the Academy so special. Check out our Faculty Spotlight to learn more about some of these incredible educators!
All courses at the Indiana Academy are designed for high ability and high achieving students. Take a look through our current course catalog for course descriptions and graduation requirements. Also, be sure to check out the opportunities students get during our two-week long specialty course called “May Term” where students take unique classes, work an apprenticeship, or travel nationally or internationally.
Humanities: English
American Literature
AP English Language and Composition
Creative Writing
Critical Approaches to Literature
Ecohorror and Environmental Literature
Game Studies & Design
Global Cinema
Lost Generation Literature
Speculative Fiction
The Short Story
Tolkien’s Middle Earth and Beyond
Women’s Literature
World Literature
Writing Lab
Humanities: Social Studies
American History, 1492-1876
American History, 1877-Present
Appalachian Regional History
Elementary Microeconomics
Exploring United States Government: Political Theory and Practice
Exploring United States Government: The Constitution
History of World Religions
Survey of Economics
The American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1850-1877
The West in the World
Humanities: World Languages
Beginning French 1
Intermediate French 2
Advanced French 3
Beginning German 1
Intermediate German 2
Beginning Russian 1
Intermediate Russian 2
Intermediate Spanish 2
Advanced Spanish 3
Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry 1 & 2
AP Calculus AB 1 & 2
AP Calculus BC 1
AP Calculus BC 2
AP Precalculus 1 & 2
AP Statistics
Differential Equations
Discrete Mathematics
Geometry 1 & 2
Linear Algebra
Multivariable Calculus
Precalculus 1 & 2
Quantitative Reasoning
Computer Science
AP Computer Science A 1 & 2
Computer Science II: Programming C++
Computer Science II: Programming Python
Digital Applications
Virtual Reality
Web Page Design
Science: Physics
AP Physics I
AP Physics II
AP Physics C
Physics I: General Physics
Science: Chemistry
AP Chemistry
Chemistry I: General Chemistry 1 & 2
Science: Life Science
AP Biology
AP Environmental Science
Biology II: Field Botany
Biology II: Horticulture
Biology II: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Biology II: Human Genetics
Biology II: Introduction to Nutrition
Biology II: Microbiology
Biology II: Molecular Genetics
Biology II: Zoology
Principles of Ecology
Science: Earth & Space Science
Galactic Astronomy
The Solar System
Science: Engineering
Introduction to Engineering
Projects in Engineering
Science: Research
Research Science I & II
Science Laboratory Assistant Apprenticeship
Arts & Publications
Advanced Chorus
Advanced Concert Band
Advanced Orchestra (Strings Only)
Social History of Art
Interdisciplinary Studies
Junior Colloquium
Senior Colloquium