Angie Class of 2024
Angie (class of 2024) is an active member of the Academy and Muncie communities with a strong passion for community service. Angie jumped into every opportunity available at the start of their junior year and has continued to impact the lives of their peers.
Prior to attending the Academy, Angie resided in Kendallville, IN. They felt bored at their home school and desired a challenging curriculum. Through the Academy’s curriculum, Angie developed a passion for literature and specifically took every class offered by David Haynes. They described Haynes as a professor who is passionate about the subject he teaches and is genuinely interested in hearing students’ interpretations of the work.
“I don’t think there’s a single student he can’t connect with,” said Angie.
Angie thanks the Academy for helping build their confidence, people skills, and time management skills. As a senior, Angie feels they can look at their to-do list and not panic. They founded two clubs, are an ambassador, a peer assistant (PA) and a community volunteer. One of Angie’s many desires is to bring people together. They do this through their clubs “Tight Knit Community” and “Movie Mockery” as well as community events as a PA. They started Tight Knit Community so other students could learn different crafts together. Movie Mockery was started as a way for students to watch bad movies together and it is a place where sarcasm is heavily encouraged. As a PA and fan of Gilmore Girls, they created a program where students could find out what character they are from the show. They also went into detail about the characters’ personalities and how they appealed to viewers. All PA’s must host a program, but Angie was able to provide a diversity and elective credit for their program to support students getting wellness credits.
When Angie is not doing their schoolwork or running club meetings, they are volunteering at libraries, food pantries, or with community cleanups in both Muncie and Kendallville. Angie feels a special connection to the parks and recreation department of Kendallville since they have seen the work the department does for the community. They enjoy volunteering at the library because they feel that it gives children a safe place to spend time and it is conveniently located next to the schools in Kendallville. Environmental and political sciences are what Angie plans to study in college. They are passionate about studying our environment and what is happening to our Earth and wants to have influence on public issues. Angie wants to help advocate for our planet and help others learn about the impacts on our environment.
Angie feels the Academy has prepared them for post-high school life by increasing their emotional intelligence and allowing them a space to grow. “It’s really brought me back into being passionate about learning which is more than I can ask for,” said Angie. They also said they feel more confident in their schoolwork and in themselves.
Some students have a philosophy and Angie is in search of one that they relate to. They do follow a simple word: collect. Angie believes in collecting special trinkets and other objects that remind them of special memories. Whether it be a tangible object or a picture in their mind, Angie wants to make sure they collect all the memories they can while at the Academy.