Amelia Class of 2024
Amelia (Class of 2024) uses her talent and knowledge to benefit her peers at the Academy. She is a tutor, a teacher’s assistant (TA), and plays cello in Ball State University’s (BSU) orchestra. With a wide range of interests, Amelia keeps herself busy.
Amelia started at the Academy in 2022 after attending school in Fort Wayne. Her reasoning for choosing the Academy involved the opportunity to take more dual credit classes than she was originally offered. When the time was right, Amelia decided to officially make the Academy a part of her high school career.
A self-described “science nerd” with over 20 science credits, Amelia discovered more ways to get her science fix. Amelia is a TA for the Academy’s AP biology sections and a peer tutor for other biology courses. As a TA, attends the classes and holds study sessions dedicated to helping students with exams. As a peer tutor, she tutors students in the other biology courses to gain comprehension of course material.
Along with being a tutor and TA, Amelia keeps herself busy with non-academic extracurriculars such as the Academy Ambassadors, Student Equity Council, NHS, BSU’s orchestra, and an athlete with the IA/Burris track team. Participating in these allowed Amelia to branch out and meet more people.
Amelia thanks the Academy for her increased time management skills. She learned to adjust to more of a college lifestyle while still being in high school.
“I need a daily schedule to live by and so the Academy helped me balance sports along with, you know, just general living and sleep schedules and schoolwork,” Amelia said.
Since coming to the Academy, Amelia said she noticed a general change in her attitude and looks at things more positively than before. Along with having improvements in her academic skills and attitude, Amelia achieved a new personal record for her running mileage and is in the top 20 for women’s mile school records thanks to her time on the track team.
After high school, Amelia will attend Colorado State University to studying biochemistry with a focus on pre-veterinary medicine. She will then aim to continue her education by attending veterinary school for a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM). A personal goal of Amelia’s is to travel in her career, which she plans to do through the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). She intends to participate in the ROTC throughout her undergraduate degree and then be an active-duty Army service member during graduate school.
Amelia lives by a few different philosophies including “take risks,” and “prioritize yourself.” She also said to not listen to negative commentary unless it is constructive feedback.
“I am a completely different person than I was a year ago because of that.”
At the Indiana Academy it takes discipline and hard work to balance life as a student with lots of interests, but Amelia makes sure that she gets it done and still has time to relax.