April 2018 News
HOSA Leadership Conference
Friday, April 13, 2018
The Indiana Academy HOSA “warriors” attended the State Leadership Conference in Indianapolis from April 9–11 in order to participate in learning sessions and compete in various subjects. The Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA) promotes knowledge of Health Professions and the skills required in the professions.
The Academy group did well making the finals in Original Medical Innovations (Hailey Chang, Amber Zhao, Risha Mehta and Yuna Lee), Interviewing skills (Priya Chaudhary), Pharmacology (Michelle Cai), Epidemiology (Yuna Lee & Priya Chaudhary), Human Growth & Development (Risha Mehta), Medical Law & Ethics (Yuna Lee), and Nutrition (Amber Zhao). Yuna Lee took first place in the state in both Medical Law and Ethics and Epidemiology.
Participating in other competitions (Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Biomedical Lab Science, Medical Math, & Pathophysiology) were Lily Adney, Katie Decker, Rahul Agarwal, and Libby Haupert.
The group was accompanied by Mr. Mike Mayfield and Ms. Susie Cunningham. Congratulations are due these students on an excellent effort over a good and busy couple of days.