March 2019 News
Students Serve as Pages at the Indiana Statehouse
Thursday, March 14, 2019
During the 2019 session of the Indiana General Assembly, 45 Academy students served as Senate Pages and House Pages. In addition to touring the historic Statehouse which includes the House and Senate Chambers, the Supreme Court, and the Governor’s Office, students had the opportunity to observe the legislative session directly from the Statehouse floor in addition to meeting and assisting their specific legislator with tasks.

Academy students serving as Senate Pages at the Indiana Statehouse on Wednesday, February 13:
Student (Senator) | Student (Senator) |
Rahul Agarwal (Mike Gaskill) | Alexandra Klingsmith (Chris Garten) |
Isabelle Berhman (Timothy Lanane) | Lillia Mangel-Martin (Ed Charbonneu) |
Suzanne Brown (Rick Niemeyer) | Alan Pieper (Eric Bassler) |
Amy Ciceu (Mark Messmer) | Khristian Reed (Susan Glick) |
Logan Criner (Phillip Boots) | Isabel Reynolds (Ed Charbonneu) |
Alexandra Dines (Karen Tallinn) | Lillian Rogers (Ed Charbonneu) |
Naomi Edet (Frank Mrvan) | Evalina Schneider (Rodric Bray) |
Meredith Fairman (Liz Brown) | Jessica Schwarz (Chip Perfect) |
Dryden Frecker (John Crane) | Kaitlin Scott (Jean Leising) |
Eric Harman (Randall Head) | Nora Slaven (Jeff Raatz) |
Izabelle Hilderbrand (Eric Bassler) | Amber Thurston (Aaron Freeman) |
Lucy Khatib (Sue Errington) | Jason Wroblewski (Ryan Mishler) |

Academy students serving as House Pages at the Statehouse on Tuesday, March 12:
Student (Representative) |
Isabelle Behrman (Sue Errington) |
Logan Criner (Timothy Brown) |
Naomi Edet (Mara Candeleria Reardon) |
Benjamin Erwin (Randall Frye) |
Eric Harman (David Wolkins) |
Izabelle Hilderbrand (Jeff Ellington) |
Madison Hull (Chris Judy) |
Evan Jannerjahn (Kevin Mahan) |
Komal Kumar (Dale DeVon) |
Hanbit Lee (Sue Errington) |
Sydney Mrazik (Alan Morrison) |
Jacob Nichols (Jim Pressel) |
Khristian Reed (Dennis Zent) |
Lillian Rogers (Ed Soliday) |
Evalina Schneider (David Frizzell) |
Nora Slaven (Thomas Saunders) |
Abagail Smith (Dale DeVon) |
Rachel Snow (Sue Errington) |
Jalyn Upshaw (Earl Harris) |
Samantha Walkley (Chuck Goodrich) |
Jacob Zeh (Chuck Goodrich) |