March 2021 News
Indiana Academy Prom 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Greetings Indiana Academy Students and Families:
We are pleased to announce that the Indiana Academy will host Prom on Friday, May 14th from 7-11 p.m. in Ball Gym here on Ball State’s campus. This event will provide many of the elements of a typical Indiana Academy Prom including an open dance floor, music, photography, snacks, prom court, and more.
As part of the Academy’s ongoing response to COVID-19, there will be some notable changes to this year’s event including, but not limited to: COVID-testing, mask-wearing, room capacity limits, physical distancing considerations, and food service. Only current Indiana Academy students will be able to purchase tickets and attend this year’s Prom.
Now that the event is approved, we are working hard to nail down all of the details. You will be receiving more in-depth information on the schedule, ticket sales, event protocols, and school policies over the coming weeks.
Paul Douglas & Bridger Fetters
Office of Residential and Student Affairs
The Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
Office: 765-285-8127 & 765-285-8123
Front Desk: 765-285-8125