November 2024 News
Academic Spell Bowl Results
Wednesday, November 6, 2024

On Monday, November 4th, ten of our students traveled to Hamilton Southeastern High School to compete in the area Academic Spell Bowl competition. Our team had a strong performance, with one perfect round (Sarah Glunt) and one near-perfect round (Jillian George). However, our score of 52 as a team was one point shy of the state qualifying cutoff this year. Sarah will have the opportunity to compete in an individual match against other students who had perfect rounds at area.
Your Spell Bowl team is: Alesya Rathinasamy (captain), Miriam Boersma, Jillian George, Sarah Glunt, Brooklyn Grey, Jordan Heaviland, Lily Partridge, Savannah Scott, Malachi Smith, Calley Thomas, and Delaney Blankenbuehler-Lee (alternate).
A big thank you to Dr. Sean Scott for driving the second van for the competition and giving us his Monday evening!