Kimberly Hall
Kimberly Hall
Student Information Technology Specialist
B.S. – Ball State University
A.S. – Ivy Tech State College
Office: WA 182
Phone: 765-285-7872
E-mail: khall3
After receiving degrees in both Administrative Office and Business Administration, Ms Hall came to the Indiana Academy to serve as Faculty/Attendance Secretary in July of 1997. She accepted the position as Student information Technology Specialist in July of 2006. She works in the Guidance Office and assists the Assistant Director of Academic Advising and Guidance. She is responsible for the collections and data entry of transcripts, schedules, drop/add requests, grades, Ball State class requests, and student information updates. She creates and distributes the course catalogs, teacher schedules, room schedule. In addition to twenty-one years of administrative work at Ball State, Ms. Hall attends conferences and workshops to keep abreast of the latest computer technology and office management techniques.