Alumni Affairs

New! Academy Stories

We’ve asked current and former members of the Academy family – students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff – to share their feelings about the Academy with us.

Here are their stories!

Alumni Spotlight: Vanessa Svihla ’93

Alumni Spotlight: Vanessa Svihla
Vanessa Svihla, IASMH Class of 1993

“The Academy developed my thinking in ways that helped me as a researcher and connected me to an amazing network, which we lovingly call the Nerd Herd,” said Vanessa.

After graduating from the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities, Vanessa attended Smith College for her undergraduate degree, University of Texas in Austin for her master’s in science in Geology and PhD in STEM Education. She joined the University of New Mexico in 2011 and is the fifth faculty member from the university to receive the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.

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