August 2023 News

Senior Sylvia Rodriquez Honored by College Board National Hispanic Recognition Program

Friday, August 18, 2023

Congratulations to Academy senior Sylvia Rodriquez on being honored for ‘Outstanding Academic Achievement’ in the National Hispanic Recognition Program sponsored by the College Board. Currently, Sylvia is one of 5,000 Hispanic/Latino seniors recognized nationwide out of approximately 400,000 juniors who took the PSAT last academic year. “We’re all so proud of Sylvia for earning this well-deserved recognition from the College Board,” remarks Dr. Olufowote, Director of Academic Affairs. “I also learned that Sylvia participated in CampMedic, sponsored by the College of Health at Ball State University over the summer and will be interning at a local animal clinic this Fall. Clearly Sylvia is a student poised to make a difference in the communities she serves and we look forward to benefitting from her presence and learning from her example for another academic year!”

Dr. Tom Arnold Selected as University of Chicago Outstanding Educator

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Karisten Poole ’23 was recently accepted to the University of Chicago and recommended Dr. Tom Arnold to be selected as a University of Chicago Outstanding Educator.

According to Peter Wilson, Dean of College Admissions, “Each year, newly admitted students have the opportunity to select educators who go beyond everyday teaching and leave an impression that is carried over a lifetime. An Outstanding Educator thinks carefully about their instruction, shares an infectious love for learning, and cares for their students both inside and outside of the classroom. […] The University of Chicago is honored to recognize [Dr. Arnold’s] excellence as an educator who makes a positive impact every day.”

Dr. Arnold says, “Karisten was a fantastic student and very rewarding to teach while here at the Academy — I was very flattered that she took the time this summer to nominate me for this recognition from the University of Chicago.”

“We are all so proud of this additional accomplishment of Dr. Arnold’s,” says Dr. Joel Olufowote, Director of Academic Affairs. “Through project-based and immersive pedagogical techniques, Tom has routinely captured the imagination of his students at the Academy for nearly two decades. It is a tremendous honor for Karisten to nominate Tom for this award; we are a better institution because of her and Dr. Arnold.”

Congratulations to Dr. Arnold!

Spring 2023 DIrector’s Lists

Friday, June 9, 2023

Congratulations to the following students who earned recognition this Spring semester by showcasing their academic prowess in the Indiana Academy classroom! As we wind down from celebrating our graduating seniors, many of whom you’ll see named below, I brim with excitement and anticipation of the continued impact all graduates and returning students will have in the classroom and in community, as driving forces of innovation and agents of change.

– Dr. Olufowote, Director of Academic Affairs

All As Director’s List
Students earned As in classes taught at the Academy during spring semester.
A/B Director’s List
Students earned As, B+s, or Bs (no B- or below) in classes taught at the Academy during spring semester.

New Assistant Director of Academic Advising and Guidance

Monday, June 5, 2023

After a thorough job search, we are pleased to announce that Ms. Megan Wright has accepted our offer to be the Academy’s next Assistant Director of Academic Advising and Guidance! Meg stepped up this semester to help out in an ‘interim’ role and has done a wonderful job. The work she has done identifying seniors missing credits, proposing plans for those seniors, and being proactive in identifying returning sophomores/juniors needing support is stellar. The search committee is confident that Meg is the right person for this job and we all look forward to what she will bring to this position next year.

Thanks go out to the search committee of Dr. Joel Olufowote, Ms. Casey Schultz, Ms. Kim Foltz, Ms. Kim Hall, and Ms. Candy Manship for the hard work they put in the past few weeks.

This leaves open a current math position. An attempt will be made to fill the position before August and Kim Foltz has already worked with the math department to begin the initial steps. In the event a quality candidate is not found in this search, a backup plan will be in place for August.

Indiana Academy Commencement Ceremony Saturday, May 27

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Indiana Academy commencement ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 27th, 2023, starting at 11:30 a.m., in the Emens Auditorium on the campus of Ball State University. Our commencement speaker this year will be Emery Jordon, Class of 1997. A native of Gary, Mr. Jordan is is an award-winning leader, trainer, Project Manager, and author of three books.

Please note there will be some construction on campus, so plan ahead and allow for an early arrival. Parking for the Commencement Ceremony is available in the McKinley parking garage (south of Emens Auditorium), the New York Avenue parking garage (northeast of Emens Auditorium and Puris Hall), or the Student Center parking garage (south of Pittenger Student Center.) You can also refer to the campus map for building and parking locations.

The graduation events of the Indiana Academy are joyous but formal celebrations. Please do not bring air horns, cowbells, or other “noise” generating materials. Also, flash photography is a distraction to those seated nearby and a disturbance to the speaker. As a courtesy to all commencement ceremony participants, individuals who wish to videotape or take flash photographs may do so only from the balcony of Emens Auditorium.

Crabtree Photography will be taking handshake photographs as graduate receives their diploma, a poised picture with the diploma. They will be taking the senior group photo in front of Beneficence. Graduation pictures can be ordered at Pictures will then be mailed directly from Crabtree Photography to the home address.

We believe the 2023 graduation ceremony will be a memorable and joyous occasion, and you are free to attend with as many family and friends as you would like as seating for the graduation ceremony on Saturday is unlimited. If you are unable to join us in -person, the ceremony will be live-streamed at this link:

School Nurse Position Available

Monday, May 8, 2023

The Indiana Academy currently has an opening for a School Nurse. Details about the position can be found at the link below.

School Nurse

Academic Super Bowl State Competition Results

Monday, May 8, 2023

Indiana Academy Academic Super Bowl Teams
Indiana Academy Academic Super Bowl Teams

On May 6th, the Indiana Academy sent 15 students, representing English, Science, Fine Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Interdisciplinary squads to Purdue University to compete at the state level for Academic Super Bowl. It was quite an achievement to qualify for the state competition, much less for all six categories! It was very exciting to REPEAT championships in our class in both Mathematics and Interdisciplinary! The students competing at state were:

English: Lila Beghtel (captain), Elise Adams, Anna Gu, and Alesya Rathinasamy

Science: Jonathan Slater (captain), Carson Gull, Arav Singh, Daniel Yoo, and Sophia Griffin-Little

Fine Arts: Joseph Ciceu (captain), Elise Adams, Lila Beghtel, and Sam Greathouse

Social Studies: Yifei Wang (captain), Alexander Bell, Joseph Ciceu, and Jaehun Kim

Math: Elijah Buck (captain), Anna Gu, Carson Gull, Arav Singh, and Sophia Griffin-Little

Interdisciplinary: Lila Beghtel (captain), Alexander Bell, Elijah Buck, Joseph Ciceu, Anna Gu, Alesya Rathinasamy, Arav Singh, and Jonathan Slater

Students and coach Jessica Edrington departed the Academy at 7 a.m. and did not return until about 8 p.m., so thanks go to Joshua Ruark and Krista Hook for giving up their Saturdays to drive two of the vans for these students. Congratulations to the teams for their success!

Academy Teacher Named Ball Brothers Foundation Excellence in Teaching Finalist

Friday, May 5, 2023

Heather Rogers, Associate Lecturer of Russian and German, was recently named a finalist for the Ball Brothers Foundation Excellence in Teaching award. This award honors a Delaware County teacher who excels in teaching. Although Heather was not selected as the winner, she was one of just three high school teachers in the county to be named a finalist and she received a grant to support her classes. Heather is the only member of the faculty who has been with the Academy since it opened in 1990. She is an incredible member of this community and an integral part of the school’s success!

English Teaching Position Available

Friday, April 28, 2023

The Indiana Academy currently has an opening for Assistant Lecturer of English. Details about the position can be found at the link below.

Assistant Lecturer of English

Senior Ethan Doerner Awarded Scholarships to Business/Law Program at Seton Hall

Monday, April 24, 2023

Academy Senior Ethan Doerner has accepted an offer from Seton Hall University for their 3+3 accelerated business/law school program. This program will allow Ethan to simultaneously earn a B.S. in Business and a Juris Doctorate degree from Seton Hall Law, one of the most renowned law schools in the nation.

Just as impressively, Ethan has been awarded scholarships from Seton Hall in the amount of $112,500 over his four years at Seton Hall. Ethan’s mother, Amy, says “we are very proud of him!” We are as well. Congratulations, Ethan!