September 2017 News

National Merit Commended Students

Friday, September 22, 2017

The following seniors have been recognized as Commended Students in the 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program. Commended students are being recognized for the exceptional academic promise demonstrated by outstanding performance on the Qualifying Test (PSAT) last October. Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 scorers of more than 1.6 million students who entered the 2018 competition by taking the 2016 PSAT.

Angela Cardwell
Ningmei Gong
Nils Hinniger
Ryan Martinez
Dione Miles-Morillo
Julia Newbold
Conner Partaker

United Way Day of Action

Monday, September 18, 2017

Academy students participate in the United Way Day of Action

More than 50 Academy faculty, staff, and students participated in the United Way Day of Action on Thursday, Sept. 7. Volunteers worked morning and afternoon shifts outside on the Cardinal Greenway where they cleaned up trash, repaired asphalt, painted over graffiti, and weeded along the trails. Academy students who participated each earned a least four hours of community service depending on which shift they worked, and some students worked both shifts.

For the past four years, Academy instructor John Marsh has helped to organize the Academy volunteers. “The previous three times we were recognized as the group which provided the most volunteers, so we wanted to try to keep that honor again this year,” Marsh explained. “Students are not allowed to miss class for it, so they have to be available during the volunteer slots. So, our volunteer numbers would be even higher except there are students who want to participate but cannot due to their academic commitments.”

2018 National Merit Semifinalists

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The following seniors have been named Semifinalists in the 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program:

Anna Beach
Michael Hu
Keith Murray
John Tade
Stanley Zheng

They now have the opportunity to continue in the National Merit Scholarship competition.

Indiana Statehouse Representative Donna Schaibley Visits Academy

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Representative Donna Schaibley (District 24) visited the Indiana Academy on Sept. 1 to learn more about the school. She toured Academy facilities and classrooms in addition to meeting with Academy administrators, students, and faculty. Schaibley (far left) observes Academy students Tessa Walters and Sophia Bysick as they share their list of daily activities in French. Also pictured are Academy alumnus Cassandra Grosh; Joe Turner, Director of Residential and Student Affairs; Jeff Smith, Director of Academic Affairs; Jennifer Robinson, French Instructor; and Vickie Barton, Executive Director of the Indiana Academy.

We’re #1 (Again!)

Monday, August 7, 2017

For the fourth consecutive year, the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities is ranked the #1 Best Public High School in Indiana, and our teachers are ranked #1 Best Public High School Teachers in Indiana. We continue to be recognized as one of the best high schools in the nation with our rankings of #4 Best Public High School Teachers in America and #17 Best Public High School in America.

The 2018 rankings released from Niche ( are based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Ranking factors include state test scores, college readiness, graduation rates, SAT/ACT scores, teacher quality, and high school ratings. Full rankings can be found at–and–humanities-muncie-in/rankings/.

Additionally, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) released their 2017 College Readiness report that found 100% of Indiana Academy grads are ready for college-level courses. The Academy is one of only two high schools in the entire state of Indiana with that distinction. (See related article at Indy Star:

Class of 1992 Donates for Innovative Interactive Classrooms

Friday, August 4, 2017

During their 25th class reunion recently held in July, the Class of 1992 has committed to giving over $200,000 to the Indiana Academy. Their donations are specifically for making innovative updates and improvements to Academy classrooms, which includes technology as well as furniture and renovations to the space. Ball State’s foundation is setting up a separate fund especially for the Academy’s Innovative Interactive Classrooms.

Three Indiana Academy faculty members (Dain Kavars, Jennifer Robinson, and Megan Wright) are in Cohort 6 of Ball State’s Interactive Learning Space Initiative. As part of the ILS, our faculty are learning to develop classes for the space, and they will teach Academy students in the ILS during the 2018 spring semester.

AP Summer Institute

Friday, July 21, 2017

AP Summer Institute participants in classroom

The Indiana Academy hosted approximately 170 teachers during two separate weeks of professional development in July for the AP Summer Institute (APSI.) Six different AP training workshops were offered during the first week and nine different AP workshops were available during the second week. Educators attending this year’s AP Summer Institute came from across Indiana as well as many different states and as far away as from Japan. The Academy is one of the longest running AP Summer Institute sites in the Midwest region and is endorsed by the College Board.

Academy Students Honored for Outstanding AP Results

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dr. Barton receives certificate from Indiana DOE

The Indiana Academy was recognized in a June ceremony by the Indiana Department of Education for significant achievement in Advanced Placement student access and success by having 60% of all graduates earning a 3 or higher on an AP exam in 2016. Academy administrators and faculty who attended were Vickie Barton, Jeff Smith, Susie Cunningham, Diane Kallmeyer, and John Raja.

The Academy was given a plaque that reads: The Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics and Humanities is hereby commended for significant achievement in Advanced Placement student access and success. The Indiana Academy has met or exceeded the goal of 25% of all graduates earning a 3 or higher on an AP exam.

Indiana DOE has been recognizing schools for earning 25% or higher mark for the last six years. The Academy is only one of a handful of schools in the State of Indiana that has received this recognition all six years.

Additionally, the College Board recently released reports for the 2017 AP exams. Academy students took 303 exams in 15 topic areas. The passing rate was 78.9% with scores of 3, 4 or 5. Twenty-eight students recognized were recognized as AP Scholars with Distinction. These students scored a 3 or higher on five or more AP exams. We also had 3 students recognized as National AP Scholars. These students scored a 4 or higher on eight or more AP exams.

Graduating Class of 2017

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Indiana Academy Class of 2017
The Indiana Academy Class of 2017
Photo @2017 Event Photography Group

The Indiana Academy recently graduated 152 students (including the first group of international students) on May 27, 2017 in Emens Auditorium on the campus of Ball State University. Seventy-five percent of the class declared to attend Indiana Colleges and Universities with 21 students planning to attend Ball State. Students were offered approximately $13 million in scholarships and have accepted approximately $5.5 million. The Class of 2017 also had a 96.7% participation rate in the Indiana Academy’s dual credit programs with Ball State. The average number of hours taken was 24 hours, saving each student an estimated $7000.00 in tuition costs.

All Academy graduates earn the Indiana Academic Honors diploma. Thirteen students in our inaugural AP Capstone program also earned the AP Capstone diploma. These students scored a 3 or higher in the AP Capstone Seminar and Research classes and scored 3 or higher on a minimum of four additional AP courses. The Academy’s AP Capstone program is themed on biotechnology and was one of seven such AP programs in Indiana last year.

Students Receive Grant – Start “HealthyIsNow” Program

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sakhi Shah and Ritika Mehta with HealthyIsNow bikes

Two Academy students, Sakhi Shah and Ritika Mehta, were recently awarded a $1000 grant from AdVenture Capital (AdCap), an organization that aims to support a new generation of leaders and entrepreneurs through promoting health and wellness in the community.

Shah and Mehta received two grants from AdCap, one for $250 and one for $750. With these grants, they created a new program called HealthyIsNow. The students have already held an informational seminar with a physical therapist as the guest speaker before focusing on their main project of implementing a bike program for the Academy. With money from the grant, the students purchased four bikes as well as other essential equipment that can be checked out by Academy students. Shah and Mehta also worked with Ball State’s Office of Risk Management on creating a waiver for the program. The program started April 18th, and it allows for the bikes to be checked out by students for transportation and fitness around campus.

Shah and Mehta said one of the biggest challenges they faced was figuring out how to channel their ideas into reality at the Academy. “At first, we felt divided between addressing nutrition versus addressing physical wellness, both of which are incredibly important, as we have found that students who attend boarding school tend to develop unhealthy lifestyle habits.” After seeking advice for school administrators and counselors, the students eventually decided to promote physical activity though a bike rental program.