Student Handbook – Grading

◄ Course Substitution

Academic Affairs Policy and Procedures

VII. Grading

A. Letter Grades

Grade point averages (GPA) and class rank are not calculated because relative measures of academic success in most of the Academy’s classes would inaccurately describe a student’s actual progress. Academic transcripts, however, are accompanied by a current profile of the academic characteristics of the Indiana Academy student population.

The letter grades listed below are given in evaluation of academic course work. Instructors have the option of also assigning a + or – to the letter grade with the exception of an A+.

AExceptional achievement
BSuperior achievement
CSatisfactory achievement
D*Unsatisfactory achievement (no Academy credit)
WDWithdrawn from class with unsatisfactory grade after drop deadline (no Academy credit)
WWithdrawn from class after drop deadline (no credit)

Academic credit at the Indiana Academy is awarded for courses completed with a grade of A, B, or C.

An incomplete grade (I) may be issued by an instructor when course requirements have not been completed by a student for reasons acceptable to that instructor (e.g., excused absences, delays in completing work due to circumstances beyond the control of the student, etc.). At the time an incomplete grade (I) is recorded, the instructor must complete the Memorandum of Incomplete Grade form (available in the Office of Academic Guidance) and send it to the Office of Academic Guidance. This form will indicate the requirements and time line for changing the grade. Failure of the student to complete the work by the deadline established by the instructor (or 30 days if no deadline is given by the instructor) will result in the grade becoming an unsatisfactory grade (D*). The student must petition for an extension due to extenuating circumstances.

B. Grading Periods

Grades are reported at mid-term and at the end of each semester. The mid-term grades are not recorded on the student’s transcript. Faculty are expected to use Academic Progress Reports (APR) to communicate with students, parents/guardians, and Student Life Counselors during the grading periods.

VIII. Grade Changes

A. Grade change by instructor

Once a final course grade has been filed by the course instructor, the grade may not be changed unless one of the following conditions apply: (1) the instructor issuing the grade finds that a clerical error has been made and completes a Change of Grade form that is turned in to the Office of Academic Guidance, stating the reason for the grade change, (2) the grade is changed by the Director of Academic Affairs after a successful grade challenge, (3) the grade is changed as a result of a decision by the Grade Challenge Review Committee after a successful grade appeal, or (4) the instructor changes a grade of incomplete.

B. Grade replacement

If a student chooses to repeat a course, it is possible that the grade in the repeated course may replace the previous grade. A Petition for Grade Replacement form can be obtained from the Office of Academic Guidance and must be returned before the aforementioned policy will be implemented.

IX. Textbook Policy

Care should be exercised in the use of rented textbooks in order that all books may be returned at the close of the school term in useable condition. For each textbook lost or damaged beyond use, an additional charge may be made as determined by school officials.

Students are responsible for the specific textbooks they receive for each class. Each book is identified by two identification stickers. The first sticker identifies the title of the book. The second sticker identifies the specific book number assigned to a student. Each student is responsible for returning the textbook with their assigned number. If a student returns a book and it is not their assigned book number, the book is credited to the student to whom it was originally assigned.

Once the textbook collection process is complete, one final check is made through the bookroom to make sure any book noted as not returned is not mistakably in the bookroom. After this process is complete, a final bill is mailed to the parent(s)/guardian(s) for the replacement cost of the textbook(s) that are lost or damaged.

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