Diversity and Inclusion
To prepare our students for an increasingly diverse world, we are devoted to creating innovative programs and practices that attract, retain, and nurture a diverse community that fosters an environment which enables all who contribute to excel in an inclusive culture.
We are committed to continuing to build a diverse applicant pool of students, and we value the diversity found in our faculty, staff, and students. More diverse faculty/staff results in all students being exposed to a wider range of scholarly perspectives and ideas drawn from a variety of life experiences. All students benefit from a diverse community, and having faculty/staff with whom students can identify greatly improves their educational outcomes.
Diversity Statement
The Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities is committed to being an inclusive educational community that values diversity in policy and practice. We aim to foster an educational environment where students, faculty, and staff exchange ideas freely, engage in critical thinking, and reexamine their personal perspectives. To create an environment where this respectful and productive dialogue is possible, we do not allow discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, geographic origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age, or nationality. The affirmation, appreciation, and inclusion of multiple cultures ensures that all students, faculty, staff, and the wider Indiana Academy community will be able to thrive in our multicultural academic and residential environment.
Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment
The Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics and Humanities (the “School”) does not discriminate or tolerate harassment on the basis of a protected class including but not limited to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity/gender expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, genetic information, or disability in the programs or activities which it operates or the employment therein or admission thereto.*
The School has designated a faculty member as coordinator of non-discrimination and anti-harassment. The identity and contact information for this staff member is listed below.
Associate Director of Equity and Engagement
Indiana Academy
Stephanie Nagelkirk
EL B008C
Harassment or discrimination of students and guests is prohibited at all academic, residential, extra-curricular, and school-sponsored activities. Behavior prohibited by this policy also includes conduct in any school program or activity taking place in school facilities, residential facilities, on school transportation, or any off-campus conduct that has a continuing effect on campus or in a school program or activity.
Anyone who believes that a student or guest of the school has possibly been the target of discrimination or harassment is encouraged to immediately report the situation to an appropriate staff member such as a teacher, counselor, administrator, or to a Coordinator designated herein.
Any employee who observes, suspects, or is notified of discrimination or harassment must promptly report the behavior to his/her immediate supervisor. Supervisors must promptly report the behavior to a Coordinator designated herein.
The School will respond to all allegations of harassment and discrimination. In those cases where discrimination is substantiated, the School will take action reasonably calculated to end the harassment and discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and provide for a free appropriate public education. Individuals who are found to have engaged in unlawful discrimination or harassment may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including, expulsion from school or termination of employment.
Harassment is defined as unwelcome and unacceptable behavior toward a student or visitor on the basis of a protected class including but not limited to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity/gender expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, genetic information, or disability.
Harassment and discrimination may take many forms including verbal acts and name-calling; graphic and written statements; derogatory, demeaning or stereotyped remarks; sexual violence or unwanted sexual contact; or other conduct that may be harmful, humiliating, or physically threatening. Harassment and discrimination do not have to include intent to harm, be directed at a specific target, or involve repeated incidents, but may be present in peer-to-peer, staff-to-student, or student-to-staff, interactions involving guests or third parties. Harassment and discrimination may be any act, speech, or gesture sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere with or limit the ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities provided by the School.
The School community can download the complete Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures or contact a coordinator as listed above. A hardcopy of the policy is also available upon request.
*Faculty and staff members seeking information and procedures for filing a complaint of unlawful discrimination may visit: https://www.bsu.edu/about/administrativeoffices/general-counsel.
Title IX
Any person may report sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. Reports may be made in person, by regular mail, telephone, electronic mail, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the report. In-person reports must be made during normal business hours, but reports can be made online or by regular mail, telephone, or electronic mail at any time, including outside normal business hours.
The name and contact information for the Title IX Coordinator is:
Stephanie Nagelkirk
In addition to reporting to the Title IX Coordinator, any person may report sexual harassment to any employee of the School. When an employee of the School receives information about alleged sexual harassment, they are required to promptly forward all known details of the situation (including the names of the parties, and the time, date, location, and description of the alleged behavior) to the Title IX Coordinator.
The School’s Title IX policy is here: Download Document
The School’s Interim Title IX policy covers complaints against students. Complaints against employees are covered under Ball State University’s Sexual Harassment Policy.
The School’s non-discrimination policy is here: Download Document
The School’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy covers complaints against students. Complaints against employees are covered under Ball State University’s Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy.
The School’s Title IX personnel used the following materials for training:
Student Equity Council

The Indiana Academy Student Equity Council (SEC) was created in 2020 in order to formalize student contributions to the school’s initiatives around diversity, equity, and inclusion. Students on the SEC work closely with the Associate Director of Equity and Engagement and often partner with the Indiana Academy Inclusion Alliance to provide both formal educational presentations and peer-to-peer programming around social justice issues. SEC membership is limited. The application form can be found here. All applications will be reviewed by the sitting SEC members in a double-blind selection process. Questions can be directed to the Associate Director of Equity and Engagement, Ms. Nagelkirk.
Mission Statement
The goal of the Indiana Academy Student Equity Council is to create a transformational learning community that is fiercely committed to equity and excellence. We value inclusivity, justice, belonging, and collaboration. Through high quality programs and presentations, the SEC works to provide peer support and educational activities for all members of our community. We are committed to building a culture that encourages all people to appreciate the value of each individual’s uniqueness and fosters a climate that is safe, accessible, and empowering.
Vision Statement
The Student Equity Council envisions a school where diversity, equity, and inclusion ground and propel decision making, resource allocation, and the development of policy and principles. We strive to be a community where bias, discrimination, and hate have no place. In seeking to respond to emerging needs, we prioritize ongoing research and education that consistently disrupts and interrogates discriminatory practices. We aspire to be a community where all students feel safe, welcome, dignified, and valued.
“Royalty Recognition” Program
Stephanie Nagelkirk, Associate Director of Equity and Engagement, has announced a new program around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the Indiana Academy. The program is called Royalty Recognition. Here’s how it works:
- Students nominate any faculty, staff or administrator through this nomination form. Nominees should be demonstrating intentional effort toward furthering education and/or programming around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in their classes or around the Academy.
- NOTE: No nominee is expected to be perfect or to be making sweeping changes.
- The program is intended to incentivize including meaningful content that communicates to students through course materials, activities, and programs that the Academy faculty and staff value DEI and put effort into incorporating it into our existing structures in both Academic and Residential Affairs.
- Nominations will be due to Ms. Nagelkirk’s office by the last Friday of the month. The Student Equity Council will review nominations and choose a winner (1 per month).
- Ms. Nagelkirk will announce the winner through an email during the first week of the month (following nominations).
- The announcement will include a description of the winner’s work around DEI.
- Each month’s announcement will also contain a brief paragraph on a lesser known member of a minioritized community or event from history or contemporary culture. The purpose here is to make education around minoritized figures and events a more regular initiative in easy-to-absorb blurbs.
- Winners will receive a gift and will also be encouraged to wear a silver crown to class all day for one day. The crowns will be on display in Ms. Nagelkirk’s office when not in use and can be admired by all who choose to visit! We hope to have a coronation ceremony each month to formally crown the winner.
Please Note: Ms. Nagelkirk is not eligible for nomination.