August 2020 News
Interim Residential and Student Affairs COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
Monday, August 10, 2020
Academy Students and Families:
In our preparations for a safe return to campus, we have been required to make a number of interim changes to policies and procedures for students living in or entering Wagoner Hall. Please review the document linked below for some updates on what life in Wagoner Hall will look like to begin the 2020 Fall Semester. As we continue to navigate the challenges of 2020, we will keep you posted and regularly update this document. The latest version will always be available at
Paul Douglas
Director of Residential and Student Affairs
Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
Office: 765-285-8127
Front Desk: 765-285-8125
Fax: 765-285-2778
Download Interim Residential and Student Affairs COVID-19 Policies and Procedures Document Revised 8-10-20
COVID-19 Information for Students
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Dear Indiana Academy Students and Families,
Please see the attached flier from our nursing staff regarding information and procedures related to COVID-19.
Paul Douglas
Director of Residential and Student Affairs
Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
Office: 765-285-8127
Front Desk: 765-285-8125
Fax: 765-285-2778
Important Self-Certification Requirement for Indiana Academy Students
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Dear Indiana Academy Students and Families,
On Monday of this week, President Mearns made an update about the University’s plan regarding COVID-19 procedures and safe return to campus. These plans include self-screening requirements for students moving in to University housing for the Fall 2020 semester. This is one more measure the University and the Indiana Academy has put in place in response to the pandemic in preparation to safely resume on-campus living this Fall. Below you will find instructions on how to comply with the University’s requirements for a smooth transition to living on campus.
PLEASE NOTE: You need to select and complete only one of the two options listed below:
Option A
You may submit a COVID-19 self-certification prior to arriving on campus. Access this through the Following Qualtrics link.
We must receive your self-certification prior to you moving in to the residence hall.
Option B
You may also present a negative COVID-19 test obtained within seven days prior to arriving on campus. Your negative test results may be submitted via email to our school nurse Tina Brinkman at cbrinkma. We must receive your negative results prior to checking-in to the residence hall. We also strongly encourage you to bring a hard copy or electronic copy of your negative test when you check-in.
Stay home if you’re sick
As a reminder, if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or you have been exposed to a positive case of COVID-19 you should not drop off your belongings, move in to the residence hall, or return to campus until you have a negative test or meet the 14-day quarantine requirement.
We encourage you to begin planning now for your return to the residence halls. We have adopted several safety measures, and this is one more. We look forward to your cooperation with these requirements and your return to campus.
If you have additional questions please reach out and we will do our best to answer your questions or guide them to those who can.
Paul Douglas
Director of Residential and Student Affairs
Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
Office: 765-285-8127
Front Desk: 765-285-8125
Fax: 765-285-2778
Indiana Academy Return to School Plan Updates
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Dear Indiana Academy Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff,
The Indiana Academy and Ball State University care greatly about the well-being of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. As we prepare to open the school, the safety of all in the Indiana Academy community is the guiding factor in our return-to-school plan. We are following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Indiana Department of Education (IDOE), and Ball State University. All of the safety protocols in place are based on science, and many of the safety protocols in place exceed the minimum standards set by the CDC, AAP, and IDOE.
On Tuesday, July 28, 2020, Ball State University Facilities and Management officials completed a thorough walk-through of Burris, where all Indiana Academy classes are held. They did an in-depth review to determine the maximum student capacity in each room to follow all CDC recommended physical distancing guidelines. This review determined that most Indiana Academy classrooms will have a maximum of 12-14 students. We have one larger classroom that can hold 16 students and three other classrooms that will have maximum class sizes below 12 students. Reducing the maximum class size in all classrooms will ensure that every student can physically distance in all directions.
The Indiana Academy is also taking the following steps, in addition to the steps outlined in the previously released return to school plan.
- We have reduced the number of 8 AM classes to reduce foot traffic when the school day is starting for the Indiana Academy and Burris.
- All class times will be shifted by five minutes so that Burris classes and Indiana Academy classes are not transitioning at the same time. For example, a 10 AM Indiana Academy class will start at 9:55 AM and end five minutes early. This will reduce the number of students in the hallways at any given time.
- We have shifted some classes to the late afternoon and early evening to decrease traffic flow in Burris.
- Masks are required for all students and teachers in all classes, hallways, and common areas.
- Disinfectant sprays will be in every classroom, and table/desk surfaces will be cleaned before the start of each class.
- All faculty will have the option of a hybrid model for their classes. The details will vary by class, but some classes will be taught entirely in-person, with some classes having approximately one day per week shifted to a virtual environment.
- UV light cleaning devices will be used nightly in all classrooms.
- Online learning options are available to students. For more information, please see the appropriate contact person below.
- All students, faculty, and staff must complete a COVID-19 self-certification form before returning to campus. More information on completing this online form for students and parents will come out later today.
- Faculty and staff with health concerns may work with Ball State University Human Resources who will in turn work with the Indiana Academy on appropriate accommodations.
- Students and families with health concerns should contact the school nurse. All faculty and staff at the Indiana Academy will be trained on identifying COVID-19 symptoms and procedures to follow to minimize the risk of transmission.
We appreciate your patience in this continuously evolving situation. If you have questions, please contact:
- Academics and Online Learning Options – Jeff Smith, Director of Academic Affairs – jsmith4
- IEP and 504 Plans – Dain Kavars, Interim Executive Director – dwkavars
- Student Life – Paul Douglas, Director of Residential and Student Affairs – pcdouglas and Bridger Fetters, Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs – blfetters
- Athletics – Chad Wlodarek, Athletic Director – crwlodarek
- Financial Aid and Billing – Cary Witter, Budget and Administrative Coordinator – carywitter
- Any other questions? Please contact Dain Kavas, Interim Executive Director – dwkavars
As a reminder, we also continue to post updates regarding our response to the COVID-19 pandemic on our website at
I hope you continue to have a safe and enjoyable summer, and we look forward to seeing you in August!
Dain Kavars
He/Him/His (What is This?)
Interim Executive Director
Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306
Indiana Academy Return to School Update
Monday, July 27, 2020
Dear Indiana Academy Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff,
As you know, information about COVID-19 and related issues is continuously evolving. This is a short update that we are collecting more information about current enrollment numbers and doing a walk-through of classrooms to determine capacity in conjunction with physical distancing requirements. That information will further inform our return-to-school planning. More definitive information/guidance will come by Thursday, if not sooner. Indiana Academy and Ball State administrators are working on addressing many of your questions. Please be assured that we have the best interest of our students, families, faculty, and staff at the center of our decision-making process.
Dain Kavars
Interim Executive Director
National Beta Competition Results
Monday, July 20, 2020
This summer, the National Beta Convention was moved online to provide students with the opportunity to compete virtually. When a student places in the top 3 in the State Convention, the representing school has the chance to participate in the same category at the National Convention. The Indiana Academy placed nine times in the State Convention meaning that we had nine opportunities to compete. Students had a twenty-five day window in June to submit their work for the National Convention, and the top ten participants in each category were recognized for their efforts.
The following students placed in the top ten for their respective competitions:
Lucy Cochard – 2nd Place 12th Grade Language Arts Testing
Andrew Pilat – 4th Place 11th Grade Science Testing
Shelby Schipper – 6th Place Onsite Painting Division II*
Izzy Wade – 9th Place Creative Writing Division II
*Division II means that the competition is completed by both juniors and seniors.
Congratulations to Izzy, Shelby, Andrew, and Lucy for their accomplishments!
2020-21 Indiana Academy Return to School Plan & Guidelines
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Indiana Academy Students and Families:
At the bottom of this message you will find a link to the Indiana Academy’s return to school plan and guidelines for the 2020-21 school year. Please read through and familiarize yourself with the important information in this document.
More information regarding Welcome Week and our official move-in schedule is forthcoming, and you will be receiving an email soon with further details. We anticipate and respect that some families may want their residential student in a single room. The deadline for a single room request is Tuesday, July 21. To request a single room assignment, please email both Bridger Fetters at blfetters and Paul Douglas at pcdouglas.
If you have questions or concerns after reading through the document, here is a listing of areas to contact for further guidance and information:
- Academics – Dr. Jeff Smith, Director of Academic Affairs – jsmith4
- IEP and 504 Plans – Dr. Dain Kavars, Interim Executive Director – dwkavars
- Student Life – Paul Douglas, Director of Residential and Student Affairs – pcdouglas and Bridger Fetters, Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs – blfetters
- Athletics – Chad Wlodarek, Athletic Director – crwlodarek
- Financial Aid and Billing – Cary Witter, Budget and Administrative Coordinator – carywitter
- Any other questions? Please contact Dr. Dain Kavas, Interim Executive Director – dwkavars
As a reminder, we also continue to post updates regarding our response to the COVID-19 pandemic on our website at
I hope you continue to have a safe and enjoyable summer, and we look forward to seeing you in August!
Dain Kavars
Interim Executive Director
Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306
Download the Return to School Plan document
Important Information for the Indiana Academy Community
Monday, June 29, 2020

Dear Indiana Academy Families and Community Members,
We hope you are enjoying these early weeks of Summer and have found a way to wind down and relax, while staying safe and healthy. It certainly was an unprecedented end to the 2019–2020 school year, but we are grateful for the way our students, parents, faculty, and staff came together to make the best of a very difficult situation.
First and foremost, the health of our community is our primary concern. We have established a team working on a reopening plan that details protocols for academic instruction in classrooms and online, safety protocols in classrooms, teacher meetings, residential rooms, lounges, transportation, dining, move-in procedures, etc. The team comprises IA administration, faculty, community members, and health and safety experts, in addition to key personnel from Ball State, including specialists and supervisors from the public health, custodial, and dining services departments. These protocols will be coordinated with Ball State University.
As the country continues to weather the challenges presented by COVID-19, we know you have questions regarding how the health crisis will impact the new school year. While there are still a number of uncertainties, we wanted to share as much information as we can at this point.
Ball State University has recently changed its Fall 2020 academic calendar in response to COVID-19, and the Indiana Academy will be aligned to it. Therefore, the following calendar changes will go into effect for the Fall 2020 term:
- Monday, September 7, and Tuesday, September 8, will be in-class instruction days, and the residence hall will not close for the Labor Day weekend.
- Monday, October 5, and Tuesday, October 6, will be in-class instruction days, and the residence hall will not close for the weekend.
- The residence hall will close at the end of the day on Friday, November 20, for the remainder of the semester and reopen in January for the start of the Spring semester.
- The remaining Fall semester instruction days after Thanksgiving will move to an e-learning format. The last day of e-learning instruction will be Monday, December 14, four days earlier than the original calendar.
These changes remove the extended weekends in September and October. We understand the new calendar adds a long time for students and families to go without an extended break. For families who already have vacation plans these weekends and for students and families who need a break, please know that our school will strive to be flexible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we will continue to keep you updated via emails and posting updates to our website at as we have more information available.
As ever, we thank you for your continued support and engagement.
Dain Kavars
Interim Executive Director
Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306
Important Message from Indiana Academy Leadership Team
Friday, June 5, 2020

Dear Indiana Academy Community:
We are appalled by the horrific killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. George Floyd is one more life lost to violence against Black people. We are broken-hearted for the families who have lost loved ones to racial violence.
The Indiana Academy’s mission statement reads “we are committed to creating innovative programs and practices that attract, retain, and nurture a diverse community and foster an environment that enables all who contribute to excel in a diverse culture.” We cannot hold to that mission while remaining silent on the senseless killing of Black people.
The Indiana Academy stands in solidarity with the Black community and we want them to know that we support them and stand with them. We condemn all actions of violence, discrimination, and hatred. Every individual at the Indiana Academy must take a stand against racial discrimination and violence.
We understand racial discrimination, violence, hatred, social injustice, and killing will have a deep impact on students, families, faculty, and staff. There will be increased anxiety, stress, trauma, and vulnerabilities. We are currently working to set up safe (and brave) spaces for students, families, and employees to share with and learn from each other. We need to listen to the experiences, concerns, and ideas of our community as we seek to be better. These will start in the form of discussion groups/forums on campus when classes resume in August and virtual groups/forums before the start of classes. Additional programming and support opportunities will be put in place throughout the school year.
As we move forward, the Indiana Academy continues to be committed to ensuring that everyone in our community is safe and welcome. To do so we must all stand up against injustice, support each other, and open our hearts and minds to differences to create an Indiana Academy, nation, and world that is inclusive to all.
Dain Kavars
Interim Executive Director
Vickie Barton
Executive Director (Retiring)
Jeff Smith
Director of Academic Affairs
Julie Tuttle Davis
Director of External Affairs
Paul Douglas
Director of Residential and Student Affairs
Bridger Fetters
Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs
2020 Senior Recognition Night
Friday, May 22, 2020
For anyone who may have missed our live stream of the 2020 Senior Recognition Night, or for anyone who just wants to watch it again, we’re posting it here for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!