March 2020 News
E-Learning Announcement
Friday, March 13, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This message is to provide information regarding the switch to e-learning that will begin Monday, March 16 at the Indiana Academy. All course materials will be shared through Canvas for all Academy, Burris and Ball State University classes.
- Course delivery methods – Classes will be delivered in several different formats as announced by the instructor. These are:
- Synchronous – Students should log-in at the class’s regular meeting time for instruction.
- Asynchronous – The course will not meet at the class regular meeting time. Students can check Canvas anytime for their course materials and instruction.
- Hybrid – Portions of the instruction will be synchronous and other parts asynchronous.
- Office Hours – Faculty have the option to work from their Academy offices or from home. Some will hold their previously announced office hours and others will arrange new times. Faculty are being asked to announce their office hours and availability. Please remember that all faculty can be contacted by e-mail. Direct contact by phone, using “Conferences” (video chat option in Canvas) or Skype can be arranged by request.
- Assessments – Will move to more formative assignments and fewer summative assignments. For example, students may be asked to complete frequent concept checks, short homework assignments, quizzes or participate in discussion threads. Fewer large traditional tests will occur because of exam security issues.
- Attendance – Since the course delivery methods will vary, attendance will be tracked through the completion of assignments. Students should submit work as announced in Canvas.
- Technology – We appreciate that internet and technology access will vary from student to student. Please contact the instructor immediately if access to course materials is problematic so that alternate methods can be identified.
- Pacing – Students should check Canvas frequently for new course materials and assignments.
- Keys to success – The keys to success in an e-learning environment are staying current with assignments and communication. Instructors will publish their materials on Canvas at different times and rates. Students must check Canvas regularly to stay current with the assignments. Problems (technology concerns, delays due to illness etc.) should be communicated with the instructor as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility as we move all courses to an e-learning environment. Having taught e-learning courses myself for many years, I know that this environment has its challenges, but can also be very educationally rewarding.
Please contact me at 765-285-4136 or jsmith4 if I can be of any assistance. For further updates on the COVID-19 and the Indiana Academy, please go to
Dr. Jeff Smith
Director of Academic Affairs
Letter from the Superintendent
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Dear Indiana Academy Parents,
Circumstances surrounding the novel COVID-19 virus are rapidly changing around the world. To date, there has not been a single identified and confirmed case of COVID-19 on the Ball State campus, Burris, the Indiana Academy, and Muncie community. However, in accordance with university guidelines outlined yesterday in a message from President Geoffrey Mearns, who is committed to continuing quality education while helping protect all members of our campus community, beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, we will deliver all instruction online until further notice.
As the university is remaining open, although delivering instruction online, the Academy dorm will also remain open. Should you choose to pick up your student, please understand that there is no option for reimbursement. Students are expected to complete course expectations whether or not they remain in campus housing during this time.
Thank you for your understanding as we adapt to this new form of instruction.
Bob Marra
Superintendent of University Schools
Indiana Academy Special Events Update
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Indiana Academy Parents, Students, and Staff:
In an e-mail from the president of Ball State yesterday, we were informed that “all University-sponsored/funded events of 100 people or more” are suspended from March 16th to April 30th. This decision, along with many other campus precautions, was made in response to the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19.
The following Indiana Academy events fall within the scope of this announcement and have been suspended:
- Lip Sync and Talent Show (March 19th)
- Prom (April 4th)
- Academy Awards and Slideshow Banquet (April 22nd)
This is disappointing news for all of us at the Academy, but please know that our priority is for the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and families. Many thanks to the SLCs, PAs, and students who have dedicated time and effort into planning excellent events. In our efforts to celebrate the 2019-2020 Academy school year, we plan to continue with Academy Awards voting and Slideshow production.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate our way forward.
Important Notice
Monday, March 9, 2020
Parents and Guardians:
Today we learned that one Burris Laboratory School student spent Spring Break in one of the countries most affected by COVID-19, the disease caused by novel coronavirus. We stress that the student has no symptoms of COVID-19 nor do we have any confirmed cases of the disease at Burris, the Indiana Academy, or Ball State University. However, out of an abundance of caution, Burris has sent the student home and asked the student to remain at home for 14 days. In addition, the Burris building will be thoroughly cleaned today.
We ask anyone who has spent time abroad in a country that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified as a Level 3 Travel Health Notice, whether you are a student or a parent, to socially distance yourself for 14 days. The CDC recommends that people who are sick with COVID-19, or suspect that they are, stay home unless they are seeking medical care. Again, we remind you that we have no confirmed cases or anyone reporting symptoms at Burris, the Indiana Academy, or on the Ball State University campus.
We thoroughly cleaned the Wagoner Residence Hall during Spring Break last week, and we will continue to actively clean common areas. At this time, Burris and the Indiana Academy will continue classes as planned.
We urge you to consult the CDC website to learn more about the virus, prevention, symptoms, and treatment. In addition, Ball State has launched to keep the community informed.
Again, at this time, the Indiana Academy, Burris, and Ball State are not aware of any confirmed cases of COVID-19 on our campus. We are taking these precautions in the best interest of our students, families, faculty, and staff.
PhyxtGears Robotics Team Wins Bloomington Regional Competition
Monday, March 9, 2020
The PhyxtGears Robotics Team traveled to the Bloomington Robotics Regional, held March 7 and 8 in Bloomington, Indiana. During qualifying rounds on Saturday, the team hit a glitch with a falling game controller and were ranked 17th out of more than 50 competing teams. After securing a different controller and making some adjustments, the PhyxtGears robot went on a winning streak and moved up to first place by the end of qualification.
On Sunday, the team advanced through the semi-finals and finals, ultimately winning the entire competition. Congratulations to the entire PhyxtGears Robotics Team!
Team members include Aakash Kambham, Mary Petitte, Wenhan Tang, Kush Patel, Bryce Berger, Robby Sammelson, Kavin Saravanan, Enzo Nate, Shivali Singireddy, Kaan Ulasan, Sebastian Moyer and Samantha Doris.
Below is a slideshow of photos from the competition.
Technology Student Association State Champions
Sunday, March 1, 2020
On Friday February 28 and Saturday February 29, the Indiana Academy Technology Student Association team traveled to Purdue University to compete in the 2020 TSA State Competition.
The members on the team are Xander Good, Izzy Hilderbrand, Nate Johnson, Collin Kinney, Shivali Singireddy, and Kylie Wagaman.
The Academy team put up some impressive results:
Xander Good and Nate Johnson – First Place
Izzy Hilderbrand and Collin Kinney – Third Place
Essays on Technology
Shivali Singireddy – Third Place
Prepared Presentation
Kylie Wagaman – First Place
Technology Bowl
Xander Good, Izzy Hilderbrand, and Collin Kinney – First Place
The Technology Bowl competition was very exciting. The Indiana Academy team made it to the final round of the competition, and with the score tied at 30 points it was down to the last question for the win. Xander Good buzzed in with the correct answer to give the Indiana Academy TSA team the win.
Kylie Wagaman was elected to be the 2019-2020 Indiana State TSA President. Since Kylie is graduating in May, she will be stepping down from this prestigious position, but was honored for her leadership in TSA.
At the very end of the Awards Ceremony, the Indiana Academy was announced as TSA State Champions. Next this team will be traveling to Nashville, TN to compete in the National TSA Championship. This event will be held at the end of June.
Congratulations to the Indiana TSA State Champions, and thanks to all of the team’s fans who have supported this team through their fundraising efforts.
Below is a slideshow of photos from the competition.
Team Places First in Japan Olympiad of Indiana for Third Straight Year
Monday, February 24, 2020
The team from the Indiana Academy placed first at the Japan Olympiad of Indiana, held at Purdue University on Saturday, February 22. This is the third consecutive year in which the Indiana Academy has placed first. Ms. Clara Chi, the team sponsor, said “In the championship round our team members were not only lightning fast in raising their hand, they knew obscure facts in areas such as Japanese geography and history. They attended every weekly practice the past two months, and put in hours outside of practice times. Their dedication, hard work, and stellar teamwork led them to easily dominate the competition.”
The Indiana Academy Level II team includes seniors Mary Wilson (captain), Brandon Kem, Maggie Dong, and alternate Kylie Wilson. Special thanks also go to senior Allie Foury for volunteering her time to help quiz the team at weekly practices.
Science Olympiad Team Advances to State
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
On Saturday, February 8, the Academy Science Olympiad team traveled to the Regional round of competition in Bloomington. The team won medals in twelve events, finished third overall, and qualified to advance to the state tournament.
Competing for the Academy were Carlie Butler, Lehan Hu, Komal Kumar, Evy Lee, Bony Li, Nichole Nguyen, Derek Park, Grace Reynolds, Kavin Saravanan, Abbi Smith, Maddy Witt, Robert Xu, Anna Yang, and Zhiyu Zhang. Mr. Mike Mayfield, Mr. Josh Ruark, and Ms. Heather Rogers accompanied the team.
Congratulations to all! The state tournament will be held in Lafayette on Saturday, March 21.
2020 National Merit Finalists
Monday, February 10, 2020
Congratulations to the following seniors who have been named Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program:
Amy Ciceu
Lucille Cochard
Komal Kumar
Academy Instructor’s Film Wins at Canadian Festival
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Congratulations to David Haynes, Instructor of English at the Indiana Academy, for his second short film Base Camp being awarded Best International Short Film at the Rio Grind Film Festival, in Vancouver, Canada.
Mr. Haynes’ first film, Break My Bones, was also featured at several film festivals.