April 2018 News
Teacher Awarded Funding for Creative and Innovative Classroom Project
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Clara Chi, Indiana Academy instructor, was awarded $450 to expose high school juniors and seniors to Japanese culture through animation and film. After watching a series of Japanese animations, students will create their own comic books using manga art style. Students will illustrate their knowledge of Japanese culture through their art and present it to the class.
Bell Grants are funded through the Robert P. Bell Teacher Grants Fund at The Community Foundation (www.cfmdin.org). This fund ensures that teachers have access to grants to help engage their students in meaningful ways for years to come. Individuals can contribute to the endowment fund to memorialize a special teacher, honor a retiring teacher or teacher celebrating a work anniversary, or to simply show their support for K-12 education in Delaware County. Awards of up to $450 are available through the Bell Grants program. Funded projects are creative or innovative ideas or programs designed to stimulate learning in students. All Delaware County teachers are invited to apply during any of the four grant cycles.
Academic Super Bowl Results
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Indiana Academy academic teams competed at the regional Academic Super Bowl Competition on Tuesday, April 17, with excellent results.
The Math, Science, and Social Studies teams took first place in Division 4. English took second (on a tie breaker) as did Interdisciplinary (by one question). Fine Arts took fourth place.
Math and Science both qualified for the State Championship in May. The Math team had the highest score throughout the state in the regional competition and the science team had the second highest. Social Studies missed qualifying for state by a tie break and the English team fell short by 1 question.
The following students are to be congratulated on a job well done:
Joseph Batis, Yifei Chen, Caitlin Daub, Amy Gong, Abby Guyer, Jillian Hale, Toby Holman, Claire Hubner, Eric Ma, Jacob Nichols, Conner Partaker, Tony Qing, Isabel Reynolds, Gabe Rodriguez, Sterling St. Rain, Samantha Williams, and Rose Winters.
HOSA Leadership Conference
Friday, April 13, 2018
The Indiana Academy HOSA “warriors” attended the State Leadership Conference in Indianapolis from April 9–11 in order to participate in learning sessions and compete in various subjects. The Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA) promotes knowledge of Health Professions and the skills required in the professions.
The Academy group did well making the finals in Original Medical Innovations (Hailey Chang, Amber Zhao, Risha Mehta and Yuna Lee), Interviewing skills (Priya Chaudhary), Pharmacology (Michelle Cai), Epidemiology (Yuna Lee & Priya Chaudhary), Human Growth & Development (Risha Mehta), Medical Law & Ethics (Yuna Lee), and Nutrition (Amber Zhao). Yuna Lee took first place in the state in both Medical Law and Ethics and Epidemiology.
Participating in other competitions (Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Biomedical Lab Science, Medical Math, & Pathophysiology) were Lily Adney, Katie Decker, Rahul Agarwal, and Libby Haupert.
The group was accompanied by Mr. Mike Mayfield and Ms. Susie Cunningham. Congratulations are due these students on an excellent effort over a good and busy couple of days.
Academy Student Named Indiana Academic All-Star
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Congratulations to Keith Murray on his selection as a 2018 Indiana Academic All-Star. The forty Indiana Academic All-Stars and 50 Regional All-Stars will be recognized at a luncheon on Friday, April 27th at the Indiana Roof Ballroom in Indianapolis. The recognition is sponsored by the Indiana Association of School Principals and recognizes students for outstanding Academic performance as well as extra-curricular involvement and accomplishments. Each student nominates a teacher who has been most influential in their Academic progress and development. Mr. Les McSparrin has received that nomination and will also be recognized at the luncheon. Congratulations to Mr. McSparrin for this recognition.
This is the second consecutive year that a student from the Indiana Academy has been selected as one of the 40 Indiana Academic All-Stars and our third All-Star or Regional All-Star in three years.
2018 National Merit Finalists
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Congratulations to our 2018 National Merit Finalists:
Anna Beach
Michael Hu
Keith Murray
John Tade
Stanley Zheng
Model UN Conference
Monday, January 29, 2018
The following Academy students recently participated at the Earlham College Model UN conference. Our students presented themselves with skill and articulation in various UN committees with three delegations earning award recognition.
- Grace Siefker and Mary Streett: Best Delegation in General Assembly (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
- Rachael Snow and Hanbit Lee: Best Delegation in Human Rights Committee (Brazil)
- Collin Banasiak and Reeya Chenanda: Most Improved Delegation in General Assembly (Germany)
- Kaitlin Scott and Mario Cardenas: ECOSOC (Venezuela)
- Cassidy Regan and Stanley Zheng: Human Rights (United States)
- Dustin Bucher and Dawson Reprogle: Security Council (Russian Federation)
- Anna Beach and Kay Leigh Wahl: UNICEF (United Kingdom)
Academy Students Go Abroad to Study Foreign Languages
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
The following three students in French 202 were recently accepted to the IU Honors Program in Foreign Languages to study in France this summer:
- Josiah Zintsmaster was accepted to the program in St. Brieuc
- Luc Baker-Stahl was accepted to the program in Brest
- Caleb Albright was accepted to the program in Saumur
Additionally, three students studying Japanese at the Academy were also accepted into the IU program:
- Shantel Hochstetler
- Katie Basey
- Leah Chambers
All three will study in Osaka, Japan.
Academy Students Attend Lugar Symposium
Monday, December 11, 2017
The following juniors recently participated in the Lugar Symposium for Tomorrow’s Leaders at the University of Indianapolis: Nathan Danek, Chloe Thomas, Ahna Abraham, and Eric Harman.
These students heard an extemporaneous overview of key topics germane to today’s society from former Senator Richard Lugar. Students attended two sessions of their choice in the afternoon, and they also had the privilege of getting pictures taken with Senator Lugar as part of the Delaware County contingent.
Academy Instructor Recognized As Outstanding Educator by University of Chicago
Monday, November 6, 2017
Cheryl Kellogg, a biology instructor at the Indiana Academy, has been selected for the University of Chicago’s Outstanding Educator Award.
This distinguished award has existed for more than three decades at the University of Chicago, and first-year students there are encouraged to nominate an educator that has impacted their lives both in and out of the classroom. Robert Belin, a 2017 Indiana Academy graduate, nominated Ms. Kellogg for the award.
Ms. Kellogg has been a biology instructor at The Indiana Academy since 2006. She has a master’s degree in biology from Ball State and is a certified medical technician. She specializes in genetics, ecology, and AP biology at the Academy.
Japanese Instructor at the Academy Named a Rising Star
Monday, November 6, 2017
Indiana Academy Japanese instructor Clara Chi was selected by the Association for Indiana Teachers of Japanese for the 2018 Rising Star Award. The award recognizes extraordinary instructors with 5 or less years of teaching experience.
Ms. Chi has helped the Japanese department reach new heights during her short tenure at the Academy. She has helped students receive college credit by transforming Japanese classes into dual credit courses. Outside of the classroom, she is regularly involved with conferences. She helped the Indiana Academy place 2nd in the level 2 section at the 2017 Japan Olympiad of Indiana. One of Ms. Chi’s students won second place at the Chicago Consulate Japanese Speech Contest in 2017.
Ms. Chi will receive the award next year at the 2018 Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association conference.