Student Handbook – ABCs of Student Life

◄ Student Privilege System

The ABCs of Student Life: Policies and Procedures

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Abandoned Property

Students no longer living in residence need to move all personal items out of Wagoner Hall immediately. Items that have been left behind will be considered abandoned after two weeks. After such time they become the property of the Academy and will be disposed of as the school sees fit. The Office of Residential and Student Affairs may assess a fine for the removal of abandoned property, as deemed appropriate. No piles of free or donated items should be created or displayed in any location or at any point throughout the year.

Air Conditioning

Air conditioners are not permitted in student rooms at the Academy unless needed for medical reason and have been pre-approved through Ball State University Housing. No personal air conditioning units may be installed. Medical Verification for Air Conditioner Request may be obtained in person at the Indiana Academy Front Desk, by phone at 765-285-8125, or online at Please turn in (scan, fax, mail, etc.) all forms as soon as they are completed care of Anna Sammelson (). Please note, the Academy prohibits any free-standing non-window air conditioning unit or similar device.

Alcohol, Illegal Drugs, & Non-Prescription Drugs

Underage use of alcohol and/or the use of illegal drugs is prohibited by law. The sale, possession, distribution, purchase, or consumption of illegal drugs/substances, alcohol, unauthorized prescription drugs, inhalant abuse, related items and paraphernalia will result in major Academy discipline. Students are not permitted to (or conspire to) promote, buy, or be in possession of alcohol (including, but not limited to, non-alcoholic beer and wine), alcohol infused candies/chocolates or food, drink mixes that do not contain alcohol (e.g. margarita mix, daiquiri mix, etc.), other alcohol paraphernalia such as shot glasses, etc., empty alcohol containers, illegal drugs, illegal-/prescription-drug-infused edible substance, drink, or inhalant, or drug paraphernalia (e.g. rolling papers, bong, roach clip, pipe, hypodermic needle, whippets, etc.). The Academy interprets “possession” broadly. If a student is in the same room in which any of the above-listed items are discovered, whether or not the student is using those items, they may be considered in violation of the alcohol, illegal drugs, and non-prescription drugs policy.

Students are not permitted to be in establishments in which alcohol is the primary form of refreshment or entertainment (e.g. bar), in which the sale or distribution of alcohol is the primary business function (e.g. liquor store), or in which the sale of smoking/vaping/drug paraphernalia is the primary business function. If students are unclear whether an establishment is off-limits, the wisest course of action would be to ask an Academy staff member prior to entering or not to enter at all.

Non-prescription drug abuse, synthetic drug use, or use or abuse of over the counter products outside the bounds of their intended purpose is not tolerated by the Academy. Use of the following items is not tolerated at/by the Academy and will result in a disciplinary response: natural/synthetic marijuana, inhalants, hallucinogens, barbiturates, bath salts, salvia, synthetic opioids, any product containing tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC) or synthetic cannabinoids, etc. Abuse of the following items is not tolerated at/by the Academy and will result in a disciplinary response: caffeine pills, diet pills (including some suppliments), nutmeg, glue, over-the-counter (OTC) and controlled medications, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, computer cleaning products, etc. The Academy reserves the right to determine “abuse.”

A school or school corporation can require a student or students to submit to a search (student room, locked items, personal belongings, hallways, public areas, etc.), which may include a portable breath test, breathalyzer and/or urine test, when the school has reasonable grounds to suspect the student is or has been under the influence of a drug/illegal substance. In order to try to achieve and maintain a drug-free environment, the Academy may utilize various procedures that could include but are not limited to: a law-enforcement-led drug dog sweep, confiscation of items, prohibited access of individuals, etc. It is against school policy for a student to have illegal drugs, substances, and/or alcohol in their system while enrolled at the Academy. The definition of reasonable grounds varies from case to case, but includes the following instances which can serve as reasonable grounds:

  • Direct observation of the student by teachers, school personnel, or peers;
  • Student’s behavior/conduct;
  • A claim that the student consumed/used and/or is in possession of a substance/paraphernalia;
  • A photograph, video, or other medium that depicts the student consuming, using, or in possession of a substance/paraphernalia.

Generally, suspicious behavior or actions that are not normal/expected or are out of the ordinary for the individual qualify as reasonable grounds for suspecting a student is or has been under the influence of a substance.

Amnesty Policy

Amnesty shall be granted only for an initial instance of drug and/or alcohol use IF the student contacts a member of the faculty or staff PRIOR TO any confirmed use of, or discipline for, alcohol and/or drugs. A student who seeks assistance due to alcohol and/or drug abuse issues shall be immune from school discipline action concerning the abuse. The student must initiate the contact. The Office of Mental Health and Support Services is available as a resource to students struggling with substance abuse.

If a violation of the policy has initiated the conversation about the use/abuse, the student will not be allowed to use the Amnesty Policy. The student must comply with a substance abuse evaluation and to any treatment (counseling, therapy, outpatient or inpatient care, etc.) that a medical evaluation suggests.

Failure to comply with the evaluation and/or treatment recommendations shall result in full disciplinary action for the original violation.

Assault or Violent Behavior

Law prohibits assault of any verbal (oral or written), physical, or sexual nature. The Academy reserves the right to determine if actions are considered to be assault or violent behavior. Students who are found to be guilty of assault or violent behavior will be subject to all legal and Academy consequences. Depending upon the specific behavior in question, the Academy’s Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy may be applicable as well. Any physical altercation or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of another person will be construed as violence. This would include, but is not limited to, fighting, scratching, slapping, wrestling, biting, roughhousing, hair-pulling, punching, or shoving, as well as using an item in an aggressive manner or with harmful intent. If a student witnesses any assault or violent behavior, they are expected to promptly report the incident to school officials.

Attire (See DRESS CODE)


Students are allowed to have bikes on campus, but not allowed to keep bikes in Wagoner Hall. Bike racks are available around the building.

Students are encouraged to register their bike with University Police. Bikes that are registered are less likely to be stolen, and if stolen and recovered, more likely to be returned to their owners. For more information please see the following link: Bike Registration.

**The Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes and/or other personal items.**


Cars / Vehicles

For reasons of safety and liability, residential students are not permitted to have possession of, or access to, any privately owned or operated motorized vehicles or keys to motorized vehicles while under the jurisdiction of the Academy. This includes, but is not limited to, vehicles stored in the city of Muncie or surrounding areas. Students should not enter or be found exiting any private vehicle without authorized permission at any time.

If students wish to ride in a motorized vehicle with any person other than their parents, legal guardians, or Burris and Academy personnel, the Academy must receive prior parental permission. Students are only permitted to ride with non-Academy individuals 18 years of age and older. When riding with a parent/guardian-approved individual, the student must adhere to the standard sign-out procedures, and the driver must always complete a Gold Travel form (see PERMISSION FORMS). Students who do not abide by the Academy vehicle policy will receive disciplinary consequences.


Check-In Times and Curfews

In the interest of student safety, the Academy has established check-in and curfew times which residential students must observe (also refer to SIGN-OUT PROCEDURES).


6:30 Weeknight* Face Check
Monday through Thursday, Privilege Level 1, 2, and 3 students have a 6:30 p.m. Face Check. The definition of Face Check is: face-to-face communication between a student and an SLC. If a student fails to check-in between 6:30-7:00 p.m., an SLC will locate them within Wagoner Complex, or via cell phone (if one is on file), etc.

7:00 p.m. Card Check:
Seven days a week, Privilege Level 1, 2, and 3 students have a 7 p.m. Card Check. The definition of Card Check is: Students must be checked-in to Wagoner Complex using the Front Desk check-in system at any time between 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.. If a student is not checked-in between 6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m., an SLC will locate them within Wagoner Complex, or via cell phone. If a student misses 7:00 p.m. Card Check, the student will be grounded at 7:00 p.m. the following weeknight.*

10:30 p.m. Weeknight Face Check
Monday through Thursday, Privilege Level 2, 3, and 4 residential students have a 10:30 p.m. face check. The definition of Face Check is: face-to-face communication between a student and an SLC. Failure to Check-in between 10:30 p.m. and 10:45 p.m. will result in disciplinary action. The first missed 10:30 p.m. check-in will result in an SLC locating the student to inform them they will have Room Restriction** the following weeknight*. The second missed 10:30 p.m. check-in will result in an SLC locating the student and informing them they will have Room Restriction** the following weeknight*. The third missed check-in and subsequent missed 10:30 p.m. check-ins will result in an SLC locating the student and informing them they will be grounded. Room Restrictions**, like groundings reset at the beginning of each semester.

12:00 a.m. Weekend Face Check
Friday and Saturday Night all residential students have a 12:00 a.m. face check. The definition of Face Check is: face-to-face communication between a student and an SLC. Failure to Check-in between 12:00 a.m. and 12:15 a.m. will result in disciplinary action. The first missed 12:00 a.m. face check will result in the SLC locating the student to inform them they have missed face check and remind them of their time responsibilities on the weekends. The second missed face check will result in the SLC locating the student and informing them they have missed 12:00 a.m. face check and remind them of their time responsibilities on the weekends. The third 12:00 a.m. missed check-in and subsequent mussed 12:00 a.m. check-ins will result in an SLC locating the student and informing them they will be grounded. These numbers, like groundings, reset at the beginning of each semester.

Rare or uncommon circumstances involving Face and/or Card Checks will be handled at the discretion of the Student Life Staff.

Any student seeking an exception to stated expectations is responsible for requesting, securing, and verifying all necessary permissions (check-ins, curfews, etc.) related to this exception with an Academy staff member before leaving the building. (See SPECIAL PERMISSION)

*Weeknight – Monday through Thursday

**Room Restriction – A student is restricted to their room from 9:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. for one night (Monday through Thursday) without any visitors.


School Night Building Curfew (Sunday through Thursday)
*Level 19:00 p.m.
*Level 29:30 p.m.
*Level 310:00 p.m.
*Level 410:30 p.m.
*Please refer to the STUDENT PRIVILEGE SYSTEM for more details.

School Night Floor Curfew (Sunday through Thursday):
The floor curfew for students in Levels II through IV is 10:30 p.m. Students in Level 2 through 4 must be on their respective floors at 10:30 p.m. and failure to do so can result in disciplinary action. Students in Level I will be on the floor (in study session) at 9:00 p.m. Students in Level 1 must be in their respective room at 9:00 p.m. and failure to do so can result in disciplinary action.

School Night Room Curfew (Sunday through Thursday):
Room curfew for all students is midnight. Room curfew means that the student is in their own room with the door closed for the night. Visitors to student rooms are prohibited during the hours of midnight to 6 a.m. Any student hosting or visiting another student in their room during this time will be in violation of room curfew and subject to disciplinary response. Students must be ready for bed at this time (brushing teeth, showering, and other hygiene and bathroom requirements should be taken care of prior to room curfew). Audible web chat (Discord, FaceTime, etc.) and phone (cellular) usage must cease at 1:00 a.m.

**It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are in the building, on the floor, or in their room ON TIME. If a student fails to be on time, disciplinary actions will be rendered.

***In the event that a student should need to be out of the building past building curfew, permission must be obtained from a Team Leader on a limited case-by-case basis.

Please note students who have been signed out overnight on a Gold Travel Form are expected return to the building after 6:00 a.m. and before their building curfew on the day of return. Wagoner Hall is locked and secured from 11:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. each day. Students may begin to sign out of Wagoner Hall at 6:00 a.m. each day.

Weekend Curfews (Friday and Saturday):
The weekend (Friday & Saturday) building curfew for all students is 11:30 p.m. The weekend (Friday & Saturday) floor curfew is 12:00 a.m. Students must vacate lounges and return to their respective floors no later than the above listed curfew. Students must be on their respective floors at 12:00 a.m. and failure to do so can result in disciplinary action. Students must be on their designated floor by 12:30 a.m. but (on Friday and Saturday) there is no official room curfew.

Violation of Sign-In/Sign-Out Policy:

If a student fails to sign in or sign out at the Front Desk they will be grounded beginning at 7 p.m. the following weeknight (Monday – Thursday).

If a student fails to return to the Academy at building curfew the following sanctions will apply for the following day (including weekends):

  • Up to 15 minutes late: Student is required to be in five minutes early for each minute late effective the following day. For example, if a student is five minutes late, they must be in 25 minutes early the next evening.
  • 16 to 30 minutes late: Student will be grounded after 7:00 p.m. the following day.
  • 31 to 45 minutes late: Student will be grounded the following two days after 7:00 p.m.
  • 46 to 60 minutes late: Student will be grounded the following three days after 7:00 p.m.
  • Over 60 minutes late: Student will meet with their custodial Student Life Counselor, the Associate Director of Student Life, or the Director of Residential and Student Affairs and consequences will be determined.

For check-in and curfew purposes, the Front Desk clock has the official Academy time.


The living environment at the Academy is expected to be conducive to studying. When living in a residence hall community (including courtyards, bathrooms, floor lounges/hallways, etc.), students must be aware of their noise level and demonstrate respect for those around them. In order to have a successful year both academically and socially, consideration must be shown for others at all times. A policy of 24-hour courtesy hours is to always be observed.

For example, running and other physical/sport activities are not allowed and volume of radios/alarm clocks/sound equipment/TVs/voices/etc. must be at an appropriate level throughout the residence hall community. Students should practice their musical instruments and vocal performances in Academy or University practice rooms. Students are encouraged to respect reasonable requests of fellow residents. In the event that reasonable requests are not observed, students should seek assistance from a member of the Student Life staff. The Student Life Staff member may intervene and disciplinary action may follow. In conjunction with courtesy hours, quiet hours are observed from 9 p.m. to noon in order to maintain an academic environment. (See also, QUIET HOURS.)

Common Areas

The living environment at the Academy is expected to be conducive to studying. When living in a residence hall community (including courtyards, bathrooms, floor lounges/hallways, etc.), students must be aware of their noise level and demonstrate respect for those around them. In order to have a successful year both academically and socially, consideration must be shown for others at all times. A policy of 24-hour courtesy hours is to always be observed.

For example, running and other physical/sport activities are not allowed and volume of radios/alarm clocks/sound equipment/TVs/voices/etc. must be at an appropriate level throughout the residence hall community. Students should practice their musical instruments and vocal performances in Academy or University practice rooms. Students are encouraged to respect reasonable requests of fellow residents. In the event that reasonable requests are not observed, students should seek assistance from a member of the Student Life staff. The Student Life Staff member may intervene and disciplinary action may follow. In conjunction with courtesy hours, quiet hours are observed from 9 p.m. to noon in order to maintain an academic environment. (See also, QUIET HOURS.)

Courtesy Hours

The living environment at the Academy is expected to be conducive to studying. When living in a residence hall community (including courtyards, bathrooms, floor lounges/hallways, etc.), students must be aware of their noise level and demonstrate respect for those around them. In order to have a successful year both academically and socially, consideration must be shown for others at all times. A policy of 24-hour courtesy hours is to always be observed.

For example, running and other physical/sport activities are not allowed and volume of radios/alarm clocks/sound equipment/TVs/voices/etc. must be at an appropriate level throughout the residence hall community. Students should practice their musical instruments and vocal performances in Academy or University practice rooms. Students are encouraged to respect reasonable requests of fellow residents. In the event that reasonable requests are not observed, students should seek assistance from a member of the Student Life staff. The Student Life Staff member may intervene and disciplinary action may follow. In conjunction with courtesy hours, quiet hours are observed from 9 p.m. to noon in order to maintain an academic environment. (See also, QUIET HOURS.)

Criminal Organizations

It is the policy of the Indiana Academy to prohibit criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior on school property or at school-sponsored functions. It is the policy of the Indiana Academy to prohibit reprisal or retaliation against individuals who report or who are victims, witnesses, bystanders, or others with reliable information about such activity.

A criminal organization, as defined by IDOE, is a group with at least three (3) members that specifically:

  1. Either:
    1. Promotes, sponsors, or assists in; or
    2. Participates in; or
  2. Requires as a condition of membership or continued membership; the commission of a felony or an act that would be a felony if committed by and adult or the offense of battery.

Criminal organization activity occurs when a student knowingly or intentionally participates in a criminal organization, or a student knowingly or intentionally solicits, recruits, entices, or intimidates another individual to join a criminal organization.

Suspected criminal activity should be reported promptly to either Paul Douglas (Director of Residential and Student Affairs) or Dr. Dain Kavars (Associate Director of Academic Affairs) who act as the School Safety Specialists.

Dining Services Behavior Guidelines

Disrespectful and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in any dining facility. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Throwing/wasting food
  • Eating and/or drinking contests/challenges
  • Littering
  • Sticking food in/on things
  • Using profanity
  • Running in the facility
  • Displaying loud and disruptive behavior
  • Laying on the floor
  • Engaging in public displays of affection (PDA)
  • Removing any items such as silverware, bowls, plates, etc.
  • Removing any foor products unless specifically approved by Dining Service
  • Adhering to all dress code expectations at all times
  • Providing false and/or inappropriate names to Dining personnel
  • Any other behavior that violates Academy policies

A student exhibiting these behaviors must comply with all reasonable requests or accommodations by Dining Service Staff and may be expected to leave the dining facility immediately (whether the student is finished eating or not). The dining facility will report all infractions to the Academy staff, which will result in disciplinary action.

If the above mentioned privileges are abused or cause an unforeseen problem, the Academy reserves the right to amend these policies during the school year as necessary.

For more specific information on dining hours, locations, meal equivalencies, etc. see FOOD SERVICES.

Dress Code

Students are expected to select attire that is neat, clean, and appropriate for the occasion both in class and in the residence hall. Attire must conform to the safety and health regulations of the Academy and the University, and must not draw undue attention to the student in a way that disrupts the educational process.

Any Academy/Burris or Ball State University staff member may deem clothing or accessories inappropriate in the classroom, residential hall, dining facilities, and all immediate surrounding areas (Burris Backyard, Burris Playground, etc.). Students will be expected to immediately remove, cover, or alter inappropriate attire when confronted.

While attending class, students should be aware that the Burris Laboratory School dress code may differ from the Academy dress code policy. See Burris Laboratory School’s Dress code specifics.

All DRESS CODE policies must be followed while on University property. These policies include, but are not limited to:

  • Students are expected to wear shirts at all times
  • Students are expected to wear pants/shorts at or above the waist at all times
  • Undergarments are not to be visible – including sports bras and boxer shorts
  • Shoes are required to be worn on feet in all areas
  • No athletic cleats or spikes are permitted to be worn in the residence hall at any time
  • Sleepwear is not to be worn off of the residential floors
  • Bathing suits are not to be visible (except at University and/or Tuhey pools)

Clothing and accessories that will not be tolerated includes, but is not limited to:

  • sheer, mesh, or see-through clothing may be considered in violation
  • anything displaying statements/acronyms/symbols that promote, suggest innuendo of, or allude to:
    • sexual activity
    • tobacco
    • illegal drugs
    • alcohol
    • pornography
    • gang activity
    • profanity
    • violence
  • anything deemed insensitive to:
    • race
    • sexual orientation
    • cultural differences
    • religion
    • ethnicity
    • gender
    • gender identity
  • displaying, possessing or distributing any clothing, jewelry, emblem, visible body marking, or literature that communicates or symbolizes affiliation with a criminal organization or criminal organization activity.

Students are expected to dress in weather-appropriate clothing that covers arms, legs, and feet when outside in weather 32°F or below (with or without wind chill). The Academy reserves the right to determine weather- appropriate clothing.

Students who are dressed inappropriately will be sent to their room to change clothes. Failure to return with appropriate attire may result in disciplinary action.

Additionally, formal attire guidelines may be used for certain Academy events (e.g. winter dance, prom, graduation, etc.). The Academy reserves the right to determine appropriate attire for all Academy sponsored events. Optional formal attire checks are offered by Academy staff for all students and are designed to ensure attire is approved, or if not, to provide time to modify attire as necessary prior to the event. While not required, students are highly encouraged to have their attire checked in order to ensure entry to these Academy events.


The Academy discourages students from being employed during the academic year. If a student needs to hold a part-time job, permission must be granted by the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs PRIOR to beginning work. Each student’s situation will be individually evaluated. General guidelines for employment permission are as follows:

  • A student will be allowed to work if they have no more than one C during the term of employment.
  • A student may not work more than 15 hours per week.
  • No exceptions to residential curfews will be granted.
  • The student must provide their own transportation to and from their place of employment such as biking, walking, public transportation, getting a ride from someone in the area or a coworker. Having a place of employment that is not accessible by the previously mentioned methods will not necessitate or guarantee the permission to have or use a personal vehicle.

Entrance, Exit, & Access

Entrance and exit doors are secured for safety and security reasons. Students are allowed to use Emergency Exits only for emergencies or an official emergency drill, such as a fire drill. Using emergency doors for non-emergency purposes is a misdemeanor, subject to a $250 fine, as well as an Academy disciplinary response. Students are not allowed to enter or exit the building via a non-exit (e.g. windows, vents, etc.). No material or personal belongings may be passed through windows. (See also SAFETY) Additionally, students and guests should use the front entrance exclusively, unless otherwise designated by Academy personnel or an emergency situation.

Secured doors, as well as the front entrance doors, should not be propped open (i.e. putting an object in front of the door to keep it from locking). For security purposes, the Academy/University has certain locked and unlocked doors. It is in violation of Academy/University security policy to alter these settings in any way. Any unauthorized tampering of Academy/University doors for any reason will be met with a disciplinary response.

Each student entering or leaving a floor should ensure that entrances are secured and locked to prevent unauthorized entry. This includes holding a door for unescorted guests or anyone who does not live in Wagoner Hall as well as allowing a student ID card to be used by anyone other than the owner. All lost student IDs should be reported to the Front Desk immediately and replaced as soon as possible.

Students living on residential floors 1 & 4 are prohibited access to stairwells, floors, and rooms utilized by students living on residential floors 2 & 3. Students living on residential floors 2 & 3 are prohibited access to stairwells, floors, and rooms utilized by students living on residential floors 1 & 4. Unauthorized access (based on the student’s floor assignment) to stairwells, floors, or rooms will result in disciplinary action. Non-residential students are not permitted access to residential floors outside of visitation hours without prior permission from an Academy staff member.

Forcibly opening any secured door is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate consequences.

Entry & Search

Students are entitled to the privacy of their rooms. No one is allowed access to a student room unless the occupant(s) are present, with the following exceptions:

  1. A pass key may be used for non-emergency/emergency needs such as maintenance, room and security inspections, or in cases involving the safety of the occupants (e.g. fire, tornado alarms, illness, or injury) as determined by the Academy.
  2. Designated Academy personnel (i.e. the Executive Director, the Director of Academic Affairs, the Associate Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Residential and Student Affairs, the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs, and any Student Life Counselor) are authorized to approve or conduct searches of student rooms and/or personal property when such personnel suspect the search will produce articles or substances in violation of state or federal law and/or Academy rules and regulations. A reasonable attempt will be made to locate the occupant of the room before such a search is conducted. Students must comply with staff requesting needing to look in locked items, furniture, etc.

Equipment Checkout

Various cooking and recreational equipment is available for check-out at the Front Desk. Students must sign for the equipment and leave their Student ID at the Front Desk for as long as they are in possession of the equipment. Equipment must be clean and returned in good condition to receive the deposit back. Students are expected to treat all equipment with respect. Charges will apply for damaged or stolen equipment. For example, a $0.25 charge will be assessed for a lost or damaged ping pong ball. Recreation equipment in the lounge may not be used before 4 p.m. on weekdays. Some items may be available to check out and take up to dorm room prior to 4 p.m. by request. Music room, kitchen, exercise locker, and craft closet keys are available for check-out after 9 a.m. See FRONT DESK SERVICES for times that equipment is available.

Exercise Equipment & Recreation

The IAPO provides access to limited exercise equipment stored in Elliott Commons. Students may sign out equipment at the Academy Front Desk. Major weight lifting and/or exercise equipment are not permitted in the residence hall. Exercise equipment such as ankle weights, plastic aerobic hand weights or dumbbells up to 25 lbs. and stationary exercise equipment utilizing bands or hydraulics are permitted. Weight stacks, plates, or barbells are NOT allowed due to excessive weight. Additionally prohibited, are trampolines, treadmills, elliptical machines, etc. which may cause damage to floors, tiles, walls or carpet, and cause noise disturbances throughout the residence hall community. Hydraulic, band-type exercise equipment, and pull up bars are lighter in weight and are stationary; therefore, should not cause damage or disturbances. If individual weights over 25 lbs. are found in a student’s room, the student must relinquish equipment to an Academy staff member immediately and it will be taken home at the next available opportunity. Students should inquire about additional exercise equipment not listed with an Academy staff member before use. Exercise equipment and related activities prohibited in Wagoner Hall may be available to all Academy students through the Ball State Recreation department with the appropriate sign off by parents/guardians.

All students may gain free access to some Ball State auxiliary recreational facilities, exercise equipment, weight equipment, pools, etc. by completing the parent/guardian waiver and obtaining an additional Ball State issued recreational identification card. The online forms portion can be found at the following links: – Burris/Academy Tab – Liability Waiver

Ball State Recreation wants to remind parents and guardians that Indiana Academy students using Ball State Recreation facilities are participating in an adult environment. The vast majority of users are 18-25 years old. They also want parents and guardians to be aware that entrances, lounge spaces, hallways, restrooms, and locker rooms are open to the general public. Access for valid students, employees, and affiliates is managed in the activity spaces (gymnasium, fitness centers, pools, etc.) only.

Extended Weekends / Vacation Periods

The Academy residence hall is closed periodically for extended weekends and vacation periods. Students may not use their meal plans after the building closes for extended break. Students may resume using their meal plan after the building is opened from extended break. Students must be out of the residence hall by 7 p.m. local time (with the exception of the December Extended and Graduation Move-out which will be at 6 p.m. local time). The adult checking out a student should make all reasonable efforts to arrive at the Academy prior to closing time for the building. During fall semester exams, pre-winter break, all students are expected to be checked out of the building within 24 hours of their last final exam. A gold travel form must be on file before the student leaves for a break.

Students must complete the following before leaving for an extended weekend or a break:

  • Student room must be clean.
  • Trash must be emptied.
  • All items are to be unplugged from outlets (including air conditioners, computers, and clocks) with the exception of the refrigerator. Refrigerators must be unplugged and defrosted for Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks. For special arrangements (e.g. fish tank aerator or feeder) please see an SLC on floor before check-out.
  • Perishable and/or expired items must be stored or disposed of properly.
    • Perishable items include meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs and many raw fruits and vegetables. All cooked foods and any items that needs refrigerated after opening are considered perishable foods. Please read labels carefully.
    • Perishable items should be sealed and stored properly
    • Expiration dates should be followed for all perishable and non-perishable items.
    • Any food that is not in a sealed package should be in a sealed container or Ziploc bag or be disposed of before leaving.
  • Windows must be closed and locked.
  • Curtains must be closed.
  • Lights must be turned off.
  • Student room door must be locked.
  • When the building’s heat is activated, the heat setting must be turned to at least Level 2. Items in the room should not be in direct contact with the heater to avoid damage.

Once the building is closed, a Student Life staff member will re-enter student rooms to ensure that the above criteria have been met. Students are not allowed to enter the residence hall once the building is closed until 4 p.m. on the opening day. Signing an Academy student out of the building overnight transfers the responsibility for that student from the Academy to the individual signing the student out of the building. For the Academy to resume responsibility, the student(s) AND the individual transporting the student(s), MUST immediately upon their return, come into the Academy’s Front Desk to sign-in and be verified. Please consult the Academy calendar for dates and times of extended weekends and breaks.

Family Emergency

Parents/guardians and students should contact both the Indiana Academy Front Desk (765-285-8125) and Attendance Office (765-285-8110) in the case of death or major illness of a family member (parent, sibling, or grandparent, etc.). These offices will then contact and inform relevant parties.

Field Trips

Any time a faculty member wishes to take a group of students on a field trip they must complete the on-line Field Trips Form under the Indiana Academy Faculty Forms page. In addition, if the field trip is an overnight event, the faculty member is responsible for obtaining an Overnight Field Trip Permission Form, a form that has parent/guardian permission as well as the field trip information provided, for each and every student. The Overnight Field Trip Permission Form must be obtained from the Faculty Attendance Coordinator. The sponsor is responsible for providing the form copies to: 1) the parents/guardians, 2) the Office of Residential and Student Affairs, and 3) the Administrative Coordinator Academic Affairs. Every time a student does not spend the night in Wagoner Complex (even while with an employee, whether or not it is a school-related function) prior written parent/guardian permission must be on file. For student safety and accountability during emergency situations, students must sign out on the Overnight Clipboard, to indicate their overnight status. Sponsors should note that they are responsible for arranging meals (if necessary), obtaining pertinent medical emergency information and medications from the nurse in the Office of Residential and Student Affairs, and obtaining parent/guardian permission for each and every student. Students will be responsible for following all Academy policies, and state/federal laws.

Fire Doors

All fire doors must remain closed at all times for safety reasons. Tampering with doors in any way will result in an Academy disciplinary response.

Food Delivery

All students must follow the guidelines to have food delivered to campus:

  • All orders must be delivered by 11:30 p.m. Sunday – Thursday and 12:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. If delivery of food arrives after 10:30 p.m., students must inform an SLC on duty on their floor before leaving the floor to retrieve their food order.
  • When placing an order for food delivery, students must give first and last name along with personal cell phone number or room phone number. Students should instruct the delivery to be brought inside for pick-up and payment. Orders placed using the front desk phone number will be sent back.
  • When receiving orders for food delivery, students should be polite, respectful, contactable by phone, and prompt.

Front Desk Services

Assistance at the Front Desk is available 24/7 while students are in residence. Certain Front Desk services are only available after 4 p.m. on weekdays. Music room, kitchen, exercise locker, and craft closet keys are available for check-out after 7:30 a.m. The Front Desk cannot provide change, however, a coin machine is available in Jeep Lounge. The Front Desk staff will not hold personal/school-related items as it is not possible for them to properly secure said items. (For more information, see EQUIPMENT CHECK-OUT)

Gambling, Betting, and Lotteries

Gambling, betting, and lotteries are not permitted in any form (online, in-person, by proxy, etc.).



If a student chooses to violate Academy rules or does not follow correct procedures, they may be grounded. Though there are several violations that might merit grounding, some of the most common are missing 6:30 and/or 10:30 check-in, not signing out of the building properly or being late to study session. Typically, groundings consist of one day, beginning at 7 p.m. and ending at 6 a.m. the following day, although beginning/ending times, number of days, and other restrictions for each grounding may be adjusted at the Academy’s discretion. For example, a student has received their second grounding but the Academy decides it will be in effect for three days instead of one day.

Consequences increase as a student accumulates groundings as follows:

1st Grounding: Restricted to the building, Red Building Card issued.

2nd Grounding: Restricted to building, Red Building Card issued.

3rd Grounding: Restricted to residential floor, Orange Floor Card issued.

4th Grounding: Restricted to residential floor, Orange Floor Card issued and call parents/guardians.

  • Parents/Guardians called by custodial SLC about all 4 incidents & future consequences, including not being able to move up in the Privilege System (the next petition period) if the student reaches Grounding #6.

5th Grounding: Restricted to student room (no guests), White Room Card issued

6th Grounding: Restricted to student room (no guests), White Room Card issued, call parents/guardians, 2 hours Academy Service (non-graduation requirement), and unable to advance in Privilege System during the next petition period.

  • Custodial SLC assigns 2 hours of Student-Selected Academy Service to be completed within 2 weeks of assigned grounding.
  • Parents/Guardians called by custodial SLC about all 6 incidents & future consequences
  • Student is unable to advance in the Privilege System for the next petition period.

7th Grounding: Restricted to student room (no guests), White Room Card issued, call parent/guardians, 3 additional hours Academy Service and meet with Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs.

  • SLC notifies Team Leader
  • Custodial SLC assigns 3 additional hours of Student-Selected Academy Service
  • Student must schedule and meet with Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs
  • Parents/guardians called by custodial SLC about all 7 incidents & future consequences

8th Grounding: Restricted to student room (no guests) each evening until having met with Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs, White Room Card issued, call parents/guardians, 4 hours of Student Life Work Assignments.

  • SLC Notifies Team Leader
  • Parents/Guardians contacted by Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs or Team Leader
  • Student schedules and meets with Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs to receive 4 hours of Student Life Work Assignment

9th Grounding: Restricted to student room (no guests), White Room Card issued, call parents/guardians, meet with Director of Residential and Student Affairs, 8 p.m. curfew.

  • SLC notifies Team Leader
  • Early building curfew (8 p.m.) for 1 week (including weekends)
  • Student schedules and meets with Director and Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs
  • Parents/Guardians called by Associate Director about all 9 incidents & future consequences

10th Grounding: Restricted to Student Room (no guests) for all free time, meet with Director and Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs, Suspension Recommendation, 7 p.m. curfew for 2 weeks, and 5 additional hours of Community Service.

  • Early building curfew (7 p.m.) for 2 weeks (including weekends)
  • SLC Notifies Team Leader
  • Meet with Director and Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs
  • Student will be assigned 5 additional hours of Community Service
  • Parents/Guardians called by Director about all 10 incidents & future consequences

Additional Grounding Details
Groundings reset to zero at the end of the Fall Semester and at the end of May Term. Additional Academy Service hours assigned due to a grounding must be completed two weeks after the grounding was served. Groundings must be served on the day assigned unless the student has a conflict due to class, a sporting event, or a performance. Student Life will not change the date of a grounding for reasons including, but not limited to, sports practices, rehearsals, Wellness opportunities, or other personal plans. Students needing to request a date change for an assigned grounding due to conflict should contact the SLC that issued the grounding. Student Life does not have the authority to change groundings from other offices; students need to speak with those offices directly with questions, adjustments, or concerns.


The Academy strictly prohibits hazing, pranks, and jokes as forms of harassment. These acts include, but are not limited to, performing or requiring another person to perform or witness any demeaning, harmful, or humiliating action, which may also include any act that portrays and/or gives the perception of immediate or impending harm to self or others.


Students are expected to keep their rooms clean and in order (see ROOM CLEANING). Students must clean up after themselves in common areas such as study lounges, hallways, bathrooms, kitchenettes, laundry rooms, computer labs, all University vehicles, etc. Students disposing of any liquids need to empty those contents into a toilet before placing the empty container in the proper trash receptacle. Students found to be participating in or contributing to any activity that may damage Academy property or plumbing may be subject to repair/replacement billing or disciplinary consequences. Disposing of foreign substances (melted wax, grease, oils, paint, coffee grounds, glue, etc.) down any drain, toilet, shower, or the obstruction of related plumbing with paper towels, feminine hygiene products, etc. is prohibited. Any property left in common areas is subject to disposal (see also ABANDONED PROPERTY). Please see VACATION PERIODS for guidelines on room condition prior to students vacating the residence hall.

Housing Agreement

All Indiana Academy residential students and their parents/legal guardians/host family are required to sign the Housing Agreement upon move-in each school year. Students must abide by the guidelines outlined in the residential Housing Agreement. Failure to comply with the Housing Agreement may result in loss of residential privileges. A guardian may be contacted by the school and required to immediately pick up their student at any time for reasons including but not limited to medical emergency, discipline, mental health concern, etc. The guardian may designate another individual to pick up the student if unable to retrieve the student immediately.



The Academy does not allow students of the opposite birth certificate gender marker to be present on the residential floors. The one exception to this rule is during a periodically scheduled intervisitation “intervis” time, the structure of which is proposed by Peer Assistants and approved by Student Life Staff on a year-to-year basis. Student Life will determine if the proposed intervisitation policy will be implemented each year.

During Intervisitation hours, all students on the hosting floors must follow the additional dress code policies listed below.

Please Note the following differences to our stated dress code policy with regard to residential floors:


  • Sleepwear is not to be worn
  • Students are expected to wear shirts at all times
  • Students are expected to wear pants/shorts at all times
  • Undergarments are not to be visible – including sports bras and boxer shorts

In addition, intervisitation rules include but are not limited to the following:

  • One person per bed if laying down, two per bed if sitting up.
  • Overhead light or both desk lamps must remain on at all times.
  • Door must be completely open (not cracked) with clear line of sight into the room at all times.
  • Each room participating in intervisitation must have an intervisitation sign posted outside the room.
  • All guests must be escorted by their student hosts at all times.
  • All guests must remain with a host while visiting and cannot wander around the floor.
  • Guests and hosts must turn in their ID cards to the Peer Assistant (PA) on the floor when they enter the floor. These ID cards are returned when the guest(s) leaves the floor.
  • Each student can have no more than 2 guests for intervisitation. (2 students + 2 guests each = 6 Students = Fire code)
  • All Public Displays of Affection (PDA) rules apply throughout intervisitation.
  • Public areas on the floor remain reserved for the students of that floor. Students may not congregate in the printer lounge or study lounges on the floors during intervisitation.
  • Students not following these rules may have the privilege of intervisitation revoked for the remainder of the day, semester, or all future intervisitations.

Intramural and Interscholastic Activities

Intramural and interscholastic activities are available to Academy students. Many of the activities involve students from both Burris Laboratory School and The Indiana Academy. A current list may be obtained from the Burris Laboratory School Athletic Director.


While freedom of speech is protected, expressions of sexism, racism, hatred, intimidation, or prejudice are inconsistent with the Academy’s educational mission. Discriminatory gestures, actions or comments based on sex, gender, gender identity, age, race, color, national origin, native language, religious affiliation or belief, physical disability, sexual orientation, or lifestyle are prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Depending upon the specific behavior in question, the Academy’s Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy may be applicable as well. Likewise, egregious display(s) of disrespect toward any Academy/University staff member, peers, and/or others is also prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Other examples of unacceptable language that will result in disciplinary action may include but are not limited to:

  • Profane or obscene
  • Lewd or vulgar
  • Rude, disrespectful, or insensitive
  • Hurtful or inflammatory
  • Criminal Speech
  • Threatening (veiled or direct) or Innuendo

** Note: Language in public spaces (hallways, lounges, bathrooms, laundry rooms, courtyards, etc.) should be appropriate and remain suitable for all ages **

See also HAZING


Students living in Wagoner Hall are not permitted to bring in lofts or any outside beds (mattress, frames, or similar components) because the furniture provided in the room is loft-able or stackable.

NOTE: All Academy furniture (and its components) must remain in the room for the entire year, including unused Academy-provided bed frames, chairs, desks, etc. Furniture storage is not provided; all Academy furniture must remain in the Academy residence hall room.

Lost and Found

Misplaced items that are found anywhere in Wagoner Complex should be turned in immediately to the Academy Front Desk or Academy personnel. Misplaced items will be left at the Academy Front Desk for a maximum of ten (10) school days at which point the item(s) will be considered abandoned property. After such time items become the property of the Academy and will be disposed of as the school sees fit. The Office of Residential and Student Affairs may assess a fine for the removal of abandoned property, as deemed appropriate (see also ABANDONED PROPERTY). Students should report lost or stolen items to a Student Life Representative. Students are solely responsible for the security, condition and location of all personal items and/or belongings. The Indiana Academy assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the care and/or protection of any personal belongings and/or items left unattended on the university property or for loss, under any circumstance, including theft, vandalism, or malicious mischief, of such belongings or items.

Lounge Use

The main lounges are provided as common areas for studying, relaxing, socializing, and entertaining guests. To maintain a balanced use of these spaces, the Academy prohibits the use of Academy/personal game equipment, games, cards, pianos, TVs, etc. before 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Students must clean up after themselves and furniture is to be returned to its original position. Furniture is to be used appropriate to its design (e.g. no sitting on tables, arms or backs of chairs, ping-pong and pool tables, feet on furniture, etc.). Lounge furniture should remain in its original configuration and should not be moved from its designated space unless authorized by Academy personnel. Music/television/personal games should not be played out loud in public lounges without permission from Student Life Staff; headphone use is always suggested. Non-Academy DVD/Blu-ray players or computers are not to be connected to any lounge TV without permission from Student Life staff. Students should not leave personal items/belongings unattended. Bedding and blankets should not be used in the building off of the residential floors. The main floor lounges (i.e. Jeep and Burkhart Lounges) are the only lounges designated for co-educational use. Loitering in non-residential hallways is not allowed. (e.g. Teacher’s Hallways, Foyer/Entrance Areas, etc.) Appropriate language is expected at all times. Appropriate attire including footwear with hard soles (shoes, sandals, flip-flops, not slippers, etc.) needs to be worn on feet at al times. Sleeping in the public areas (including but not limited to the main lounges, study lounges, courtyards, hallways, etc.) is prohibited. Inappropriate displays of public affection are not tolerated (see PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION). Inappropriate displays of public discourse are not acceptable and may be addressed by Academy staff members. Use of game equipment, TV, and pianos is prohibited before 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Major Discipline

In some cases in which a student violates Academy/University policy, major discipline will be necessary. Some or all of the following actions may occur based on the individual situation:

  • Parent/Guardian may be contacted via telephone at any hour by the Director of Residential and Student Affairs, Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs, Team Leader, Student Life Staff, and /or Law Enforcement to inform and issue consequences.
    • If a suspension is issued, it can/will impact a student’s residential standing. In some situations, the privilege of living in the residence hall can be revoked. (See Handbook Agreement in Appendix for more information)
    • If a suspension is issued, parent/guardian will be required to make arrangements for a student to leave campus as soon as possible.
    • If a student is issued a suspension and is allowed to return to the Academy, it may be conditional upon an agreement to follow an Academy issued behavior contract.
    • If a suspension is issued, the student’s status as a Peer Assistant, Academy Ambassador, or other similar position will be revoked.
  • A suspension includes but is not limited to absence from the Academy/University Campus, all extra curricular, school-sponsored activities, athletic events or practices, classes, fieldtrips, etc.
  • Investigating these circumstances is a process not an event. Parents/Guardians will be contacted in a timely manner. Students may be asked to relinquish electronic devices, backpacks, other personal effects, etc. Any prohibited item(s) confiscated during the investigation process will not be replaced or returned. These items may include personal effects or money “pitched in” to purchase or authorize anything illegal or in violation of Academy/University policies. Students are expected to comply immediately with any official request to aid in the investigation from any law enforcement officer, Academy/University personnel, etc. Failure to comply with any portion of the investigative process (initial reporting, falsification and/or omission of information, disposing/destruction of evidence, etc.) and/or intentionally delaying the investigative procedures may increase the severity of the resulting consequences.
  • If a student is found to have broken any University/State/Federal law and parents/guardians are contacted by local law enforcement, it is incumbent/obligatory on the parent/guardian to inform Academy personnel immediately.
  • In the event that a student chooses to break any University/State/Federal law, there may be a decision made to not allow the student to have access to Wagoner Hall.


Students are to be cooperative with Academy/Burris faculty/staff and Ball State University staff who are acting in the performance of their duties. A student will be subject to a disciplinary response including suspension and/or expulsion if the Academy determines that:

  • Student fails to heed an official summons or comply with reasonable directions or requests from an Academy or University official acting in the performance of their duties, including but not limited to: refusal to open a door, refusal to give/produce accurate identification, giving false or misleading information, or failure to complete a disciplinary sanction.
  • Student fails to schedule or appear for a disciplinary appointment with an Academy or University staff member after being notified to do so;
  • Student is intimidating, uncooperative, unresponsive, or uses offensive language when interacting with a staff member;
  • Student attempts to evade a staff member who is trying to get in touch with them;
  • Student exhibits an attitude, action, or speech toward an Academy or University staff member that can be perceived as disrespectful, loud, defiant, abusive, or aggressive;
  • Student demonstrates egregious disrespect toward any Academy/University administrator, faculty, and/or staff member.
  • Student fails to follow proper Academy procedures.
  • Student intentionally deceives, lies, and/or withholds relevant truths.

*Students may incur additional consequences if they withhold or omit pertinent and/or necessary information as part of a request or investigation.

Off-Limit Areas

Off-limit areas for Academy students include, but are not limited to, the following list:

  • Establishments with alcohol sales as a primary business function*
  • Establishments with smoking/vaping/drug paraphernalia sales as a primary business function
  • Fraternity Houses and Sorority Houses and Suites.
  • University Residence Halls.
  • University classrooms/lecture halls (with the exception of attending class).
  • Hotels/Motels.
  • Private Property.
  • Abandoned Property including but not limited to: Residence(s), Vehicles, Buildings, etc.
  • Private Residences.
  • Public or University Parking Garages.
  • Railroads, freight cars, and railroad overpasses.
  • Upper and Lower Academy Rooftops.
  • Parks and other Public outdoor spaces after posted closing times.
  • Tunnels (campus, maintenance/facilities, heating plant, service, storm sewer, and other similar tunnels).

* While some establishments do not have alcohol as their primary form of business, these items are present/available in the facility and students present at these locations are still bound by all Academy rules and expectations.

** No loitering in Ball State University buildings, particularly stairwells, music rooms, restrooms, etc. is allowed. Students will be subject to a disciplinary response if found to be at any off-limit location.

Peer Assistants

The Peer Assistants (PAs) program is a unique opportunity for students at the Academy. The PA staff consists of returning students who assist the Student Life staff with various responsibilities. PAs are student leaders committed to promoting healthy lifestyles and good citizenship developed through intelligent and informed decisions. PAs are expected to be positive role models for the Academy population. This group’s primary focus is providing information to help students make healthy and appropriate decisions. Expectations of PAs include, but are not limited to:

  • Being a positive Role Model.
  • Helping to organize new student welcome week activities.
  • Providing support to students.
  • Attending bi-weekly meetings, committee meetings and occasional group functions.
  • Maintaining clear lines of communication with the Residential and Student Affairs staff.
  • Acting as liaisons between the student body and the Residential and Student Affairs staff.
  • Being friendly and approachable resources for students.
  • Follow all Academy rules and adhering to Academy expectations both detailed in the student handbook and as instructed by Academy personnel.

PAs are required to maintain the following standards:

  • Have no D*s and no more than two Cs on midterm or final report cards.
  • Be in good disciplinary standing.
  • Demonstrate the desire to assist others, emotional maturity, dependability, responsibility, and an awareness of their personal limitations.
  • Exhibit leadership within the Academy community.
  • Demonstrate the ability to relate to a wide spectrum of the student body.
  • Be supportive of the Residential and Student Affairs staff and programs.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Be willing to fulfill all of the official expectations of PAs.

Personal Care Guidelines

Students are expected to practice appropriate personal hygiene and to maintain an environment within their room and their community which is sanitary. Perishable food items should be stored in sealed containers and/or refrigerated. Trash and food debris should be disposed of in the designated trash locations on the residence hall floor. Items that produce offensive odors should be disposed of appropriately. In order to maintain a sanitary environment within the room and community, the Academy encourages basic grooming and personal hygiene practices. These practices include, but are not limited to:

  • Showering with soap and wash cloth on a regular basis
  • Daily use of deodorant/antiperspirant
  • Frequent and appropriate laundering of clothing, towels, and bedding
  • Brushing teeth on a daily basis
  • Maintain clean and sanitary footwear

Students are expected to comply with reasonable requests from Academy staff to meet the above expectations.



Animals, alive or dead, are not permitted in the residence halls. This includes newts, frogs, salamanders, turtles, birds, laboratory specimens or any life form that can survive outside of water. Fish in aquariums are permitted in the residence halls. An aquatic pet must not be able to leave its bowl or tank on its own. Aquariums or tanks larger than 20 gallons are not permitted in the halls. Guest’s pets are also not permitted in the residence halls.

Posting Signs

Approval to hang signs for any reason must be given by a member of the Residential and Student Affairs staff via initial and date of expiration on each posting/sign. A maximum of 12 signs may be posted for any one event. The Residential and Student Affairs Staff must approve any sign pertaining to Academy-sponsored activity or non-Academy function before being posted. All signs and posters must be removed by the person or group posting them immediately after the advertised event. Failure to do so may result in denial of future advertisements by that person or group. Specific areas in the Hall are designated for signs, such as the corkboards near the Front Desk area. No signs may be placed on the Front Desk, the lounge carpeting, or over windows nor may any be hung on painted areas. In addition, no signs may be placed on doors used for entry or exit to and from the building. Staff members have the right to remove, or ask students responsible for posting the signs to remove, signs at any time.

Practice Rooms

These rooms are to be used to practice musical instruments or vocal performances only. A key may be checked out from the front desk. Storage of any items is prohibited without the consent of Residential and Student Affairs personnel.

Public Displays of Affection (PDA)

Behavior associated with romantic relationships, such as romantic touching, must be appropriate and is limited to the common co-ed lounges on the first floor, both courtyards or during approved all-school intervisitation on the floors (intervisitation rules apply). Romantic touching is not allowed in any other locations of Wagoner Halls or Elliot Hall including but not limited to: student rooms, student halls, bathrooms, lounges, kitchenette, laundry rooms, door exits or the computer labs. Additionally, the teacher’s hallway, the tunnel, Burris backyard, Burris/Academy/Elliott green spaces, Burris school, and the dining halls are not to be used for public displays of affection (PDA). Lying on the furniture/floor together, sleeping in the same bed, and similar physical contact are not allowed in dorm rooms.

Our public spaces are frequented by parents/guardians, guests, children, etc. Academy students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. This includes, but is not limited to: one body per chair, one body per couch if lying down, and one body per cushion or normal sitting area on the couches. If more than one person is sitting on a couch, all feet must be on the floor (with the exception of an individual sitting with legs crossed, cross-legged, feet tucked underneath self, etc.). There is not to be any extended or suggestive kissing, lingering hugs, lying on one another, or touching of sexually-related body parts such as the breast, buttocks, or genital areas. Students are expected to comply promptly and politely with any person’s request that they cease the PDA. Persons not following this policy will be asked to go to their respective room. Continued disregard of the PDA rules will result in loss of lounge privileges, groundings, and ultimately suspension.

Sexual contact is never allowed in any Ball State building, the grounds of Ball State, or any other public area. This includes, but is not limited to: all Indiana Academy buildings, Burris buildings and grounds, public parks, restaurants, stores, stairwells, parking garages, and St. Mary’s grounds and buildings. Disregard of this policy may result in suspension or expulsion.

Quiet Hours

In order to provide and maintain an environment conducive to study, quiet hours are to be observed on residential floors and courtyards from 9 p.m. to noon. Students must conduct themselves and maintain their environment (room/lounges/hallways/bathrooms) at a reasonable volume (as determined by Residential and Student Affairs staff, regardless of number of occupants/guests, activity, etc.) throughout quiet hours. No loud or disturbing noise or activity will be tolerated during quiet hours. Noise is difficult to assess and a certain level of subjectivity is almost certain to exist, but the Academy staff will make serious efforts to maintain acceptable noise levels for a productive living and learning environment.(See also COURTESY HOURS)

Residential Policy

The Indiana Academy expects students living outside of the residence hall (residential students on extended breaks, non-residential students, etc.) to reside with a parent/guardian or host family. The Academy residential program requires its students be in overnight residence in Wagoner Hall the majority (on average) of school nights of the week.

Room Changes

Room changes are discouraged and are infrequently granted. Learning to accept differences and to resolve conflicts are important parts of the growth experience that the Academy offers. However, if roommates have “irresolvable” differences, the custodial Student Life Counselor should be consulted first for suggestions and/or mediation services.

Room Checks & Cleaning

Students are expected to maintain their assigned room within Wagoner Hall in a clean and orderly condition, keep trash to a minimum, and dispose of it as suggested by the Student Life staff. Students are discouraged from keeping empty cans, bottles, food containers, etc. in their room as they attract insects. In order to promote an eco-friendly and sanitary environment, the Academy encourages recycling by providing recycling locations on each floor and throughout the building. Student Life Counselors conduct weekly room checks to determine the appropriateness of each room. If the room condition is not acceptable, the students(s) will be restricted to the room until the Student Life Counselor deems the room appropriate. Appropriate room condition includes the following:

  • Trash receptacles are empty. (All trash, recyclables, and food debris is disposed of at the designated trash/recycling location on the residential floor.)
  • Students should only dispose of sharp or broken items such as glass, mirrors, nails, etc. in the dumpster behind Wagoner Complex.
  • No dirty dishes or containers.
  • Screen must be securely in window.
  • Students are responsible for the external upkeep of university-provided air conditioners (e.g. cleaning filter screen, clear of debris, and any other impediments).
  • No open food items.
  • Perishable food items should be stored in sealed containers and/or refrigerated.
  • Floor must be clear of clothes, trash, etc.
  • Dirty laundry (bedding, towels, clothing, etc.) should be in a hamper, drawer, tote, etc.
  • Refrigerator must be clean (e.g. no molding items or strange odors).
  • Microwaves must be clean (e.g. no burnt items, food debris, or liquid residue present).
  • Students may only use the Academy-provided padlock to lock drawers on Academy furniture. Staff must be able to access all Academy-provided furniture.
  • Students may only use the Academy-provided padlock to lock drawers on Academy furniture. Staff must be able to access all Academy-provided furniture.
  • No fire hazards (e.g. no blocked doors/windows, no piles of paper, etc.).
  • Smoke detector must be functional.
  • Overall odor of the room must not be offensive. Students that are responsible for items that produce an offensive odor must dispose of those items appropriately (trash receptacles on the floor, trash receptacles outside).

Room Key

Students will be issued standard room keys upon arrival to the Academy. Students are expected to have their room keys on their person at all times. The Academy strongly encourages students to lock their rooms at all times (including while in room) for safety and security reasons. Students are also prohibited from lending their keys to anyone. In the event that a student is locked out of their room, he/she should attempt to find an SLC on the floor. If an SLC is not available, the Front Desk should be immediately contacted. A temporary key (issued for ten minutes) may be checked out in order for the student to unlock their door, find the original room key, and return to the front desk with the original key and the temporary key. Lost keys are a safety threat to both the student and his/her roommate, and thus must be reported immediately to the Front Desk. The cost of replacing the keys and re-coring the door is $55.00.

Room Repairs

Students should promptly (within 24 hours) report any needed room repairs (e.g. screen problems, loose doorknob, radiator problems, etc.) to their custodial Student Life Counselor so that a Ball State University maintenance request can be submitted. Students will not be charged for normal maintenance needs. However, damage to Academy/Ball State property by the student is the student’s responsibility. The student will be charged/billed through Ball State University and/or the Academy.

Roommate Selection

An important part of the residential experience at the Academy is learning how to live with a roommate. This involves patience, communication, compromise, kindness, mutual respect and common courtesy. The Academy will not discriminate in room or roommate assignments on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation or disability. The Academy reserves the right to assign roommates and/or change assignments if deemed necessary.

New students are assigned rooms and roommates during the summer based on information provided on the Roommate Questionnaire. Roommates are matched according to birth certificate gender marker, similar interests, lifestyles and personal requests. Only mutual roommate requests are matched. Returning students make their requests during the previous spring semester. The Residential and Student Affairs staff will make every effort to match compatible individuals based on student information and the roommate questionnaire. All residence hall rooms are double occupancy. Single rooms are not available. If a student requires a single room to accommodate a disability, that student should reach out to the Associate Director for more information.

Students who find themselves without roommates because of sudden or unforeseen circumstances (cancellations, withdrawals, dismissals, etc.) must understand that at any time in the school year, a new roommate may be assigned to the room.


Safety and security are two major concerns at the Academy. Listed below are some general campus safety guidelines, prohibited items and prohibited actions at the Academy.

Suggested campus safety tips include, but are not limited to:

  • Do not ever walk alone on- or off-campus.
  • Always lock your door when leaving your room.
  • Never give your room key or ID to anyone.
  • Do not keep large amounts of cash in your room on on your person.
  • Report any suspicious person(s) and/or activity to an Academy or University official.
  • Do not prop doors or other entranceways that are supposed to be closed or locked.
  • Please carry your cell phone with you (if applicable).
  • Program and/or know the Academy Front Desk phone number (765-285-8125) and Campus Police phone number (765-285-1111) in case of emergency.
  • Charlie’s Charter (765-760-7433 or 765-285-5005) provides free transportation on University-owned or -controlled property. The service follows the Bracken Library schedule and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis during the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Fall/Spring Semester Hours: Sunday-Thursday 6 p.m. – 3:00 a.m.
  • Don’t leave your belongings unattended, even for just a few minutes.
  • Campus is equipped with an emergency telephone system so you can easily call for help if you need it. Just locate the poles topped with a blue light. Simply press the button and talk into the speaker.
  • Don’t ever drink from an open container that you did not open or fill.

Items that are prohibited by the Academy include, but are not limited to:

  • Chemicals or scientific equipment that could be dangerous
  • Matches, lighters, or other items that can create sparks or a flame
  • Laser pointers
  • Any weapons or ammunition
  • Any darts (metal/plastic/etc.) that are pointed and/or sharp
  • Incense, candles with wicks, or candle warmers
  • Any blades over 2 inches in length
  • Anything highly flammable or that could cause fire/explosion
  • Spray paint, varnish, or paint thinner
  • Tobacco, illegal drugs, alcohol, unauthorized prescription drugs
  • Pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, any nicotine delivery device or product, or similar components (such as MONQ) or related liquids (e-liquids, vape juice, e-cartridges, etc.).
  • Products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or synthetic cannabinoids
  • Power tools
  • Soldering equipment
  • Hoverboards or any balancing scooters with batteries
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) or Drone (with the exception for educational purposes which must be approved by the Director of Residential and Student Affairs, Director of Academic Affairs or designee prior to use)
  • Fireworks, sparklers, or other combustible materials
  • Fog machines, flares, smoke, dry ice, or open flames
  • Body modification equipment, paraphernalia and tools (including but not limited to: tattooing instruments and tools, piercing guns or equipment, tattooing ink, any other device or materials used for body modification purposes)
  • Power strips without a built-in circuit breaker or used in series (one power strip plugged into another)
  • Extension cords that are not UL (Underwriter’s Laboratory) approved, which are in poor condition, which are not plugged directly into a power strip with a built-in circuit breaker or wall outlet, or which are used in series (one plugged into another)

Actions that are prohibited in the Academy include, but are not limited to:

  • Tampering with or moving window screens in any room/lounge (screens should always be in their proper position).
  • Tampering with smoke detectors, fire pull stations, or any other emergency/safety equipment.
  • Tampering with residence hall electrical circuits, wiring, outlets and pathways, etc.
  • Tampering with residence hall doors, locks, peepholes, and alarms.
  • Burning of items anywhere on campus, especially but not limited to in buildings.
  • Running, rollerblading, biking, use of radio-/remote-controlled devices/vehicles/toys/etc., or skate boarding within Wagoner Complex, Burris Laboratory School, University Dining Halls or other University Buildings.
  • Roughhousing (e.g. pushing, shoving, wrestling, etc.)
  • Intentional physical contact such as bumping, nudging, or pushing another person.
  • Purposefully obstructing or blocking a hallway, stairwell, doorway, or vestibule with an object or one’s body.
  • Playing full-contact sports such as football, rugby, boxing, hockey, etc., due to the high potential for serious injury to self and/or others.
  • Climbing of trees, walls, structures, buildings, etc. on University or private property.
  • Involvement with, conducting, organizing, or participating in any eating and/or drinking contest or challenge.
  • The throwing of food or any other objects at any Ball State building, structure, or property.
  • Defacing or vandalizing of any Ball State property.
  • Using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), remotely-piloted aircraft (RPA) or drones.
  • Sports activities inside Wagoner Hall, which includes but is not limited to, having water fights, throwing a Frisbee, playing hackey sack, kicking or dribbling balls, or using any airborne or projectile objects.
  • Placing bed frames on any other objects than the frame legs themselves. Bed frames are not to be raised or supported by anything other than the frame legs and the floor.
  • Stacking, lofting, or altering Academy furniture within the room; Academy furniture may be moved within the room, however it must remain in the original free-standing position.
  • Abandoning property; bags and items left unsupervised in or around any part of the Wagoner Complex, Burris Laboratory School, University Dining Halls or other University buildings will be considered abandoned and may be confiscated by staff. Bags and items deemed to look suspicious will be managed in accordance with emergency response procedures.

The Academy reserves the right to determine if any action or item is deemed inappropriate at any time. Students who do not comply with the aforementioned safety standards will be subject to disciplinary responses. Students should keep their rooms locked at all times for security and safety reasons. In case of an emergency or injury, a Residential and Student Affairs staff member should be contacted. Any suspicious individuals, items or materials must be immediately reported to Academy or University personnel.

School Closings

If Ball State University suspends operation due to weather or other factors, Academy classes will be cancelled. Students will receive updates from BSU and the Academy with more information. Occasionally, the Academy may delay its opening from an extended weekend or vacation period due to poor weather conditions. Information for Academy closings can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Refer to emails sent by Academy staff with pertinent details.
  2. Consult the Academy webpage.

Security Cameras

For the safety and security of residents and guests, security cameras are placed in the points of entrance/exits, entrances/exits of stairwells, elevators, and other common areas as well as around the exterior and perimeter of the residence hall. People’s behaviors may be visually recorded using these devices. It is a violation of residence hall policy to tamper with safety equipment including security cameras.

/ Sign-Out Procedures

The sign-in and sign out procedures are an important means of accounting for each student at any time of the day. While the Academy cannot guarantee knowledge of all students’ whereabouts at all times, regulations governing the sign-out procedure are designed to give staff members a reasonable knowledge of each student’s location and estimated return time in the event of an emergency. Students must understand for their own safety as well as for emergency situations, the importance of properly signing out of the building. Each student will be issued a sign-out card upon arrival at the Academy. Students sign out by obtaining their individual card only from the Front Desk and then indicating on the card their destination(s), companion(s), and estimated time of return. Proper card sign-out does not include a destination of “out,” a return time of “later,” companion listed as “people,” nor should time be displayed as 24-hour or “military” time. For proper card sign out, students must include the name of at least one physical, live, human companion.

An appropriate sign-out includes the following:

  • Destination: “Village,” “Running in Quad,” etc.
  • Companions: “parents,” “Jim,” “—,” (indicating no companion), etc.
  • Estimated Time of Return: “9 p.m.,” “10:30 a.m.,” etc.

**Failure to properly complete sign-out card by clearly and legibly listing the date, destination(s), companion(s), time leaving and estimated time of return will result in a grounding.**

Any student seeking an exception to stated expectations is responsible for requesting, securing, and verifying all necessary permissions (check-ins, curfews, etc.) related to this exception with an Academy staff member before leaving the building.

Upon returning to the Academy each student must sign back in by returning their own card to the Front Desk. Students must leave with, be with, and return with another person when checked out of the building after 6:30 p.m. (7:30 p.m. during daylight-saving time), unless the student has certain advanced Privilege System status. The staff member on duty must verify their return. Students are allowed to sign out of the building from 6 a.m. to building curfew.

Monday through Friday, during the academic day, students must follow the sign-out/sign-in procedure any time they the leave the residence halls. The only time students do not need to sign out is to go to any class in Burris Laboratory School that will allow the student to return to Wagoner Complex before 4 p.m.

*NOTE: For those students who have classes that start or end after 4 p.m. or later, they must sign out of the building. For example, if “Amber” has classes from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. with no break, she would need to sign out of the Academy on her card at the Front Desk before leaving for her 1 p.m. class.

On Saturdays and Sundays, students must sign out of the building any time they leave the residence halls. Students who do not comply with the sign-in / sign-out procedures will be subject to a disciplinary response, which may include suspension. If a student fails to sign-out on their sign-out card, the student will be grounded at 7 p.m. on the following weeknight. Please see TRAVEL PERMISSION FORMS to identify which forms must be used in conjunction with the aforementioned sign-out procedures.

When on a gold form for an overnight stay out of the Academy, students must also sign-out and sign-in immediately on the Front Desk Clipboard (not their sign-out cards). If a student fails to sign-out or sign-in on the Clipboard, the student will be grounded at 7 p.m. the following weeknight.


The use of skateboards, long boards, mountain boards, wave boards, caster boards (Ripstik®), etc. is prohibited on University-owned or -controlled property. Violators may be cited and have the skateboard impounded by University Police until the fine is paid. Improper use, abuse of, or frequent injury resulting from use of the above listed or similar items may result in confiscation of the item(s) to be returned home at the next available opportunity. The Academy highly encourages the use of proper safety apparel and equipment when using the above listed or similar items in any off-campus locations.


Smoking is not condoned or encouraged by the Academy community. Ball State University property (including the Academy and Burris) and St. Mary’s Church property are tobacco-free locations. Use, purchase, and/or possession of tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device, personal vaporizers or inhalants, similar components or related liquids (e-liquids, vape juice, e-cartridges, etc.) is prohibited in all buildings, residence halls, parking structures, and outdoor areas. Use of these products on private property is also not allowed. Students should be aware that a person under 21 years of age who purchases tobacco or accepts tobacco for personal use is committing a Class C infraction. The Academy will issue consequences to students who conspire to, solicit, receive, and/or possess tobacco to use, transport, distribute, sell, etc. Violations will necessitate Academy discipline, and in some cases, police action. Indiana State law prohibits a person who is less than 21 years of age from buying or possessing:

  1. Tobacco;
  2. E-liquids; or
  3. Electronic cigarettes.

In addition to tobacco, the Academy also prohibits the possession of rolling papers, lighters, matches, lighter fluid, and any other smoking paraphernalia or products. Smoking in the residence hall is also considered a fire hazard; severe consequences will result.

Special Permission

Any student seeking an exception to stated expectations (face check, card check, curfew extension, lounge use, etc.) is responsible for requesting, securing, and verifying all necessary permissions (check-ins, curfews, etc.) related to this exception with an Academy staff member before the permission is needed and/or student is leaving the building. Please note: If the reason for which any special permission (blanket or occasional) listed below has been granted no longer conflicts with face/card check, students are expected to comply with regular face/card check procedures.

Blanket special permission to forgo face check can be obtained if the student has an approved recurring commitment (class, sports commitment, study hall, etc.) during the time of face check. The student should email all the SLCs on their floor requesting this permission by including the following information about their commitment: day(s) of the week, time, and explanation of the commitment. The student is officially granted blanket special permission when an SLC on their floor confirms through email it has been granted.

Occasional special permission may be obtained under the following guidelines and procedures:

Students can receive permission to forgo 6:30 p.m. face check for the following reasons: sports, class, theater commitments, study hall, illness, travel (field trips and/or out on gold travel forms with guardian or special approval), and employment. Students can receive permission to forgo 10:30 p.m. face check and/or Study Session for the following reasons: sports, illness, travel (field trips and/or out on gold travel forms with guardian or special approval), specific club or extracurricular commitments, and sleep. Students should first attempt to find an on-duty Student Life Counselor from their respective floor to obtain special permission. In the event students are unable to find an on-duty Student Life Counselor from their floor, students then should request special permission in person from any on-duty member of the Residential and Student Affairs staff. Once obtained, students must personally write their name, the reason they are missing face check, and the name of the staff member who gave them special permission on the designated whiteboard. Students cannot write that the “Front Desk” or other similar iterations gave them special permission. If a student receives special permission to sleep, an SLC will be following up to make sure the student is asleep at the conclusion of the face check window.

Students can receive permission to forgo card check for the following reasons: sports, class, theater commitments, study hall, employment, and travel (field trips and/or out on gold travel forms with guardian or special approval). If being present for 7 p.m. card check presents a substantial hardship for the student to accomplish necessary academic and/or personal responsibilities, permission may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by a Residential and Student Affairs staff member. Students must ask the staff member at the Academy front desk for card check special permission. Students should ask for this permission as they are requesting their sign-out card for the commitment in which they will be missing 7 p.m. card check. After verbally being granted card check special permission, the Academy Front Desk should issue this permission to the student’s sign-out card. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the card check special permission has been written on their sign-out card before leaving Wagoner Hall.

While rare, students can possibly receive permission to be out of the building before/after their stated building curfews. This can be granted for travel (field trips and/or out on gold forms with guardian or special approval), sports, theater, religious services, class, etc. and must be granted by a Team Leader, the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs, or Director of Residential and Student Affairs. Please provide a reasonable time window (minimum 24 hour notice preferred) to process and approve this request. (See CHECK-IN TIMES AND CURFEWS)

Students can receive permission to be in a public lounge after floor curfew (10:30 p.m. Sunday – Thursday) for the following reason: they need to continue to work on and/or complete an academic group assignment and group members are not able to finish the assignment together before individual stated floor curfews, specific club/extracurricular activities, floor meetings, etc. This permission may be granted by any on-duty Student Life Counselor from the students’ respective floors. Please provide a reasonable time window (minimum 1 hour notice preferred) to process and approve this request.

Students can receive permission to be in a floor lounge after room curfew (12:00 a.m. Sunday – Thursday) for the following reason: they need to continue to work on and/or complete an academic assignment and being in their room is disruptive to their roommate who is trying to sleep. Any additional requests (sudden life event, timely communication, etc.) will be considered by a Student Life Counselor on the student’s floor. This permission may be granted by any on-duty Student Life Counselor from the student’s floor. The Academy recognizes the importance of time management and while this permission may be granted it will be so on a highly unique basis. Students are encouraged to complete all necessary assignments, personal communications, meetings, etc. before room curfew.

Student Center

Academy students are allowed access to the first floor food court area of the Student Center during designated meal periods. All students are to remain on the first floor in the dining area. Any student who is disruptive, interferes with the operations of the Student Center, or otherwise fails to follow this policy will be asked to leave the Student Center. Student Center staff will report such incidents to Academy administration.

Student Identification

Academy students are required to be in possession of their Academy photo ID at all times. At any time, a student may be asked to present this ID to Academy or University personnel. The ID is property of Ball State University. Students will use their ID cards to gain access to their residential floor, to eat their on-campus meals, to check out library books, attend designated recreational facilities, and to prove student status. Students should carry ID cards at all times and the ID cards should not be altered or defaced in any way (e.g. scratching off “Indiana Academy”, Photo, or other identifying markers). Students should not punch holes in their ID cards, as doing so may permanently disable the card. Students will be responsible to promptly take necessary action and cover all related expenses to replace any altered, defaced, or non-functioning ID card. ID cards must not be used by anyone but the owner of the card, (this includes other students, relatives, guests, etc.). A lost or stolen student ID must be reported to the Front Desk as soon as possible and students must purchase a new ID at Bracken Library for $25 (2024 replacement cost). (For process to obtain a new ID or additional information, see IDENTIFICATION CARDS.)

Note: If a student ID card is lost and Bracken Library is closed, a student can obtain a “Feed-me Pass” from the Front Desk to be able to use meal equivalency at a Dining Facility.

Study Sessions

Study sessions are from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday; students are expected to be physically present in their room without visitors unless pre-approved by an on duty SLC of the students’ floor during that time. If a student needs to be absent from their room they must make arrangements prior to this absence with an SLC on the floor (minimum 1 hour notice preferred); any time missed will be made up (this includes but is not limited to time missed while out of the building on a Day-travel form). Study sessions are held in the students’ rooms with the doors open. In order to create an environment conducive to studying, students are only permitted to study, eat, sleep, or engage in other quiet activities during study session. Conversation in the rooms needs to be kept to a minimum during this time. Music may only be listened to through headphones. Group work of any kind must be approved by floor SLCs. Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged NOT to call students during study sessions. Students MUST be quiet in the hallways from 9 p.m. on, even if they have petitioned out of study sessions. If one roommate is in study session, then the entire room is under study session regulations.

All new-to-the-Academy residential students are required to participate in study sessions when they start their residential experience. Petitions to be exempt from study session through the Student Privilege System may be acquired from the Academy Front Desk during designated petition periods. Students may be placed back into study session at Academy discretion if appropriate academic standards or residential standards are not maintained.


Theft of state, University (Academy/Burris included), or personal property is prohibited and will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Students caught stealing or in possession of stolen property will be subject to criminal prosecution as well as Academy disciplinary sanctions.

To help prevent theft in the residence hall, students should keep their rooms locked at all times. The Academy is not liable for damaged or stolen items, however Residential and Student Affairs staff can assist with filing a BSU campus police report, if desired.

Neither Ball State University nor the Indiana Academy carry insurance on students or their property. The university is not liable for personal property that may be lost, stolen, or damaged. Students should review their family’s homeowners’ insurance policy for coverage. Students are strongly encouraged to insure their personal belongings.

The Academy will not serve as mediator in any dispute over loaned or borrowed items between students. Students are encouraged to maintain possession of and responsibility for all of their belongings.


Students and parents/guardians are responsible for transportation arrangements and expenses to and from the Academy. For personal transportation needs while in residence, the Academy expects students to utilize free public transportation such as MITS (Muncie Indiana Transit System), the BSU shuttle service, and/or bicycles for their traveling needs. The use of personal vehicle based transportation services such as Lyft, Uber, local taxi services, etc., is allowable with guardian knowledge and permission. Permission may be granted through the white form or individual gold forms. Many popular locations are also within walking distance. Any personal lessons (i.e. martial arts, voice, dance, instruments, etc.) religious education/services, extracurricular activities, employment opportunities, and/or other errands must be self-arranged using the previous mentioned methods.

The MITS Bus runs Monday through Friday from 6:16 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. and Saturday from 8:15 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. There is no service on Sunday.

Additional Information may be found at the following MITS Website:

Using University vehicles, the Academy provides limited transportation to Academy students. (Non-Academy students cannot be transported by the Academy.) Such transportation would include trips to: emergency room, other immediate healthcare facilities, Ball State health center, Burris/Academy athletics field/facilities, and Academy sponsored events.


Any student may call the front desk and request transportation in the event that they feel unsafe or in case of an emergency. In the event that a student fails to plan ahead (e.g. misses the bus, shuttle service not available, local taxi not available, unreasonable walking distance, etc.), and requires immediate transportation to or from a location via Academy Staff, there will be consequences for this choice.

**Please Note: All medical appointments or medical related transportation (orthodontist, therapist, prescriptions, dental appointments, etc.) must be arranged through the nurse’s office.**


Travel Permission Forms

The Academy has a variety of forms that allow different permissions for students. The main forms are:

  • Gold Travel Forms
  • White Day-Travel Permission Forms
  • Overnight and Day Field Trip Forms

Gold Travel Form (Permission to Leave in a Vehicle, Day or Overnight)
A Gold Travel Form (gold form) is used every time a residential student leaves the Academy in a vehicle and/or goes overnight, including extended weekends and vacation periods. The Gold Travel Form has two different options: Day Travel (to allow a student to travel in a vehicle and return any time before building curfew), or Overnight (to allow a student to leave the building overnight.) For the protection of all students, adults (at least 18 years old and a non-Academy student) who request to take a student from the Academy on a Gold Travel Form are required to show a picture identification displaying name and date of birth. The request to take the student from the Academy will be denied if the adult is not preapproved by the student’s parent or guardian (see procedures below).

Gold Form Responsibilities:
Please note that a person must be at least 18 years old (and cannot be an Academy student) to sign a residential student out on a gold travel form. By signing the gold form, the person accepts responsibility for the student and will accept responsibility if any injuries are sustained by the student while in their care; however, parents/guardians are ultimately responsible for their student’s behavior when signed out of the Academy on a gold form. The Academy reserves the right to take disciplinary action if Academy policy, or state or federal law is broken while a student is signed out on a gold form.

Day Travel Option:
Every time a residential student will be traveling in a vehicle, a Gold Travel Form must be completed before the student leaves the building, either by the parent/guardian (in person or via phone/fax) or by an adult designated by the parent/guardian ahead of time on the White Day Travel Permission Form (see below.) A student will not be allowed to leave the Academy unless a Gold Travel Form is on file. Please note that a person must be at least 18 years old (and cannot be an Academy student) to sign a student out on a Gold Travel Form. The Academy checks identification at the time of departure. Academy students must continue to follow all Academy Policies (face/card checks, building curfews, etc.) while signed on a Day Travel Form. Students are responsible for all check-ins, card checks, and curfews while signed out on a Day Travel Form. This includes when signed out with parents/guardians or other family members.
Note: Students must make arrangements with an SLC if the commitments listed above cannot be met.

Overnight Option:
Every time a residential student will be leaving the Academy overnight, the Gold Travel Form must be completed by the parent/guardian (in person or via phone/fax) before the student leaves. If someone other than the parent/guardian will be signing the student out overnight, parents/guardians must give permission ahead of time. This can be done in person, or for added convenience, Gold Forms can be mailed, faxed, or called in to the Academy Front Desk. If the parent/guardian is the person signing the student out, the gold form must be completed at the Front Desk when departing from the building. A student will not be allowed to leave the Academy unless a gold form is on file. Please note that a person must be at least 18 years old (and cannot be an Academy student) to sign a student out on a Gold Travel Form. The Academy will check identification at the time of departure. Students who have been signed out overnight on a Gold Travel Form cannot return to the building before 6:00 a.m. the following day. Wagoner Hall is locked and secured from 11:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. each day.

Signing an Academy student out of the building overnight transfers the responsibility for that student from the Academy to the individual signing the student out of the building. For the Academy to resume responsibility, the student(s) AND the individual transporting the student(s), MUST immediately upon their return, come into the Academy’s Front Desk to sign-in and be verified.

Exception: While out on a Gold Travel Form (day travel option), all Academy policies must be followed with the exception that the student may drive a vehicle with an immediate family member (non-Academy student) over 18 years old or an extended family member over 21 years old. Once signed out on a Gold Travel Form (overnight option), the student does not have any Academy driving restrictions.

Blanket Permission: For day travel only, blanket permission may be given at the parent/guardian’s discretion on the white day-travel permission form (white form). A parent/guardian must complete the white form in person. No overnight blanket permission is accepted. (See below for more details.)

Private Residences: Unless traveling overnight, a student who wishes to visit a private residence must get special permission. If the student is traveling with their parent/guardian, this permission is presupposed. Students must plan ahead in requesting the special permission so that parents/guardians can be available for contact.

The Academy reserves the right to deny permission when student safety and well-being may be in jeopardy.

White Day-Travel Permission Form (Blanket Permission for Day Travel)
The white form is kept for one academic year in the student’s Student Life travel file located at the Front Desk. This form designates day-travel sign out permission in four areas:

  1. Persons (other than Academy personnel) who can take the student off-campus that are at least 18 years of age and not Academy students.
  2. Option to give permission for students to travel within Delaware County using ride-share services (Uber, Lyft, local taxi services, etc.)
  3. Option to give permission for students to travel outside of Delaware County for school sponsored activities with Academy personnel.
  4. Option to give permission to travel outside of Indiana for school sponsored activities with Academy personnel.

The White Form is essentially a list of people (names, addresses, and telephone numbers) who may sign out a student throughout the year for day travel only. This allows the student to ride in a car driven by this person, provided that they are at least 18 years of age, is not an Academy student, and has signed a Gold Travel Form. Students must also sign out on their sign-out cards. By signing the Gold Travel Form, the person accepts responsibility for the student and their actions. The person also accepts responsibility if any injuries are sustained by the student while in the car. If a guardian gives permission for a student to use a ride-share service, the guardian accepts responsibility for that travel.

The white form is available for parents/guardians to complete when their student arrives at the Academy. This form should be completed in person by the student’s parents/legal guardians. If parents/guardians want to make updates remotely, staff will verify the changes by calling the number on file for the student’s legal guardian. Parents may remove anyone at any time from the White Form by phone.

Parents/legal guardians may give permission for people that are not on the White Form to sign out their student on a case-by-case basis over the phone, by fax, or by mail. (See Gold Form above). Parents/guardians should note that they will not be notified by the Academy when a person listed on the white form signs out their student.

Students are not exempt from Academy policy (e.g. curfews, check-in, driving, entering a private residence) when signed out with someone listed on their white form. (See Driving Exception under Gold Travel Forms.)

Overnight Field Trip Form:

Students may have the opportunity to participate in overnight, school-sponsored field trips. An Overnight Field Trip Form is needed for each event, granting parent/guardian permission for the student to participate. It is the responsibility of the field trip sponsor to get the form to the parent/guardian before each trip. The parents/guardians should complete their part of the form before promptly returning it to the sponsor in order to have on hand the field trip contact information. No other forms are needed in conjunction with the Overnight Field Trip Form.

University Buildings and Facilities

With the exception of Wagoner Complex, students are prohibited from entering any Ball State University Residence Hall at any time. Likewise, there is no loitering, inappropriate conduct, displays of discourse, or displays of affection (i.e. all academy policies and expectations are in effect) in Ball State University buildings, particularly stairwells, classrooms, lecture halls, music rooms, lounges, restrooms, etc. University classrooms/lecture halls and their resources/equipment are not for personal use (e.g. using lecture hall projection systems and accompanying sound equipment for any personal viewing). Students will be subject to a disciplinary response if found to be in a residence hall, in or at any off-limit location, or in violation of the above listed guidelines. Using Ball State University property, rooms and resources outside of their intended purpose is prohibited.



Students who knowingly, recklessly, or intentionally damage or deface property that they themselves do not own are breaking Indiana Criminal Code and may be prosecuted. The Academy defines vandalism as the willful or malicious destruction, disfigurement, or defacement of any public or private property without the consent of the owner. In addition, students will be subject to Academy disciplinary action.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Chalking or Tape
    • On any buildings or brick surfaces
    • On any University sidewalks or other surfaces to write messages, draw pictures, or represent other items.
  • Throwing of food or any objects at any Ball State buildings, structures, or property;
  • Hate, gang or other related graffiti;
  • Defacing or damaging of any Ball State property including systems and infrastructure such as plumbing, electrical wiring, etc.;
  • Engraving, carving, tagging, or marking of items or property.

Violations of Law

Any acts that could conspire to, result in, or constitute a violation of federal, state, civil, or criminal laws or city ordinances, except for minor traffic violations, will result in disciplinary action. Academy discipline is not contingent upon, and may precede, legal action.

Violations of University Policy

Students are subject to all policies adopted by Ball State University including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Furnishing false information to any University office or official, faculty, planning or attempting to deceive a staff member acting in an official capacity, or giving false testimony or other falsified evidence at any campus disciplinary proceeding.
  • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University document, record, or instrument of identification.
  • Attempted or actual theft of property or damage to property of the University, or of a member of the University community, or a campus visitor, other than accidental.
  • Theft, unauthorized access or other abuse of computer systems or computer time relating to University endeavors or from University property or premises.
  • Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University premises, or unauthorized entry to, or use of, University premises.
  • Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other University activities, including public service functions or other authorized activities on or off University premises.
  • Conduct which is disorderly, obscene, or indecent; breach of peace; or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace on University premises or at functions sponsored by, or participate in by, the University.
  • Conspiring any of the above acts.

Visitors and Visitation

All Guests are expected to follow Academy security procedures upon arrival to Wagoner Hall. Guests (non-Academy students) must immediately sign in at the Front Desk. Guests will be required to submit their ID for a sex offender check through the Academy’s Raptor Visitor Management System. Guests will be issued a nametag and will be expected to wear it for the duration of their visit to Wagoner Hall. The nametag must be clearly visible on the outer most layer of clothing and worn on the upper front of the body. Student hosts must greet and accompany their guests at all times. Guests are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all Academy policies. Student hosts are responsible for any damage or misconduct of guests. Academy staff reserve the right to deny visitation privileges to any person(s). Guests who do not sign-in or who do not comply with residence hall rules will be required to leave the hall. OVERNIGHT GUESTS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE RESIDENCE HALL.

Guest Hours
Sun.-Thurs.8:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Fri.-Sat.8:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.

All guests must remain in the lounge area from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pending permission from the front desk AND a Student Life Counselor on the floor, a family member may accompany their host to the host’s room between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. with a 15-minute time limit. Non-family guests will not be permitted on the residential floors for any reason. Frequency of hosting/visitation to the floor/room is at the Academy’s discretion.

Parents/guardians are welcome anytime. However, access through the Academy front doors is restricted between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 6 a.m. for security purposes. Parents/guardians wishing to enter during these times may call the front desk at 765-285-8125 and Residential and Student Affairs personnel will assist as needed. Parents/guardians are asked to follow the guest procedures in order to help maintain safety and security. The Academy is not able to provide overnight accommodations for parents/guardians. However, the L.A. Pittenger Student Center, located across the street from the Academy, does operate a hotel. Reservations may be made by calling 765-285-1555.

Alumni are always welcome, but are also considered to be guests and must follow Academy visitation policy.

Any visitors to Burris Laboratory School must report to the main office, wear a nametag (provided by Burris) at all times while in the building, be prepared to provide ID at any time, and abide by school rules.


The Academy strictly prohibits the possession and use of weapons and other dangerous items. Academy interprets “possession” broadly. Students who use an object in the form of a weapon to injure someone is subject to discipline under this policy. If a student is knowledgeable of a weapon(s), and/or other dangerous item(s) that have been found, whether or not the student is using or in possession of the weapon(s) and/or dangerous item(s), they will be considered in violation of the weapons and other dangerous items policy.

Weapons include, but are not limited to:

  • Knives
    • Butterfly Knife
    • Switchblade
    • Scalpel
    • Box cutter / Utility Knife
    • Pocket Knife (blade over 2 inches)
    • Bowie Knife
    • Hunting Knives
    • Single Blade Folding Knife (blade over 2 inches)
    • Multi-Blade Folding Knife (any blade over 2 inches)
    • Kitchen Knives (Available for checkout at the front desk for use in kitchen only)
  • Guns
    • Firearms
    • Paintball
    • Stun gun or Taser
    • Air soft
    • Pellet and BB
    • Dart
    • Water pistol, toy, or object that could be mistaken for a firearm
    • Any object that may be able to shoot a projectile
  • Throwing stars
  • Brass knuckles, Zap gloves, etc.
  • Hatchets and axes
  • Swords and other martial art weapons (e.g. nunchucks, sais, bo staff, etc.)
  • Explosives (e.g. firecrackers, dynamite)
  • Acids and poisons
  • Whips
  • Tear gas / Mace and other propellants **
  • Catapults and slingshots
  • Bows (Recurved, Compound, reflex, long, cross, etc.) and arrows
  • Boomerang
  • Chains
  • Objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon

** According to Ball State University policy, the only exception to this is legal chemical dispensing devices, such as pepper sprays that are sold commercially for personal protection.

See also SAFETY


Tampering with, leaning on, or moving window screens in any room/lounge is prohibited. Window screens and necessary hardware should always be in their proper position. Wiring needed to improve reception (television, radio, etc.), network computers, etc. may not extend outside the student room. In the event of a Wind Advisory or severe weather, students may be asked to close their windows for the duration of the advisory for safety purposes. Students failing to cooperate with Academy staff during a wind advisory or severe weather procedure are subject to disciplinary action and may assume responsibility for damages to personal or Academy property. Any damages to the window (during fair to severe weather conditions), window frame, or screen, will result in damage charges to both roommates. University-provided curtains may be hung; but signs, posters, flags, decals, stickers, window clings, paint, or other decorations are not to be displayed in windows or hung outside windows. The Academy prohibits any curtains, blinds, and/or window treatments not provided by the Academy. Windows cannot be sealed. Example: Duct taping windows or placing boards in the windows are not permitted. Windows should not be used as congregating and/or conversation points.

(See also SAFETY)

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