Student Handbook – Student Rooms

◄ Community Resources

Student Rooms and Safety Guidelines

Student Rooms

Each room in the residence hall is approximately 12’x16’6″ and has a wall heating unit. The windows are covered with curtains. Air conditioners are not permitted unless needed for a medical reason and have been pre-approved through Ball State University Housing. All air conditioners must be rented through Ball State University at the cost of $150.00 per year. (For more information, see AIR CONDITIONERS) Please do not bring a roll-away or freestanding air conditioning unit for your room as these will NOT be allowed. Furniture includes: two twin beds, two wardrobe closets with shelf and storage areas, two desks with chairs, dresser drawers, two Academy-issued combination locks (if lost or damaged replacement is $10), two wastepaper baskets, two vanity and shelf units, one smoke detector, and phone and computer outlets. All furniture must remain in its original room. Academy furniture may not be stored outside the original room and may not be moved from room to room. Furniture may not be arranged in ways that block the view into the room from the hallway or obstruct the window due to building regulations and Fire Code.

Rooms are inspected at the time of occupancy and at the time of permanent departure from the room. Students will be charged for damages or missing furnishings at the time of the check-out inspection. When checking out, students are responsible for removing all of their own belongings. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all residence hall room furniture is present and accounted for; the resident is charged if any residence hall room furniture is missing or damaged. It is against Academy policy to move furniture from common areas and place it in a student’s room. Ball State University determines damage costs.

Students are responsible for maintaining a room key and their Academy ID card. Loss of these items will result in a fee charged to the student as determined by Ball State University standards. The cost to replace a lost key is $45; the cost to replace a lost ID is $25 (2023 replacement cost).

Student Room Safety Guidelines

The following safety guidelines must be observed:

Appliances: With the exception of microwaves, all cooking must be done in the Burkhart Lounge kitchen. Items such as sandwich makers, waffle makers, electric tabletop grills (e.g. George Foreman Grill, skillets, griddles, etc.), personal or mini blenders (e.g. Magic Bullet), slow cookers (e.g. Crock-Pot, etc.), toasters, steam cooking appliances (InstaPot, Air Fryer, etc.), and bread makers can be stored in student rooms, but must be used in the kitchenette. Appliances that require an open flame, propane, gasoline, or hot grease such as deep fryers, or space heaters are not allowed to be used in or around any of the residence halls. See Microwaves/Refrigerators below. Coffee pots may be used as long as an automatic shut-off feature is used. Electric hair dryers, curlers/straighteners/etc., styling wands, and humidifiers may be used in the rooms for intended use only, but must be unplugged when not in use.

Ceilings: Flammable materials such as paper posters or cloth tapestries may not be used on the ceilings. Ropes and other materials should not be hung from the ceiling as they may obstruct freedom of movement in the room in an emergency. Items hanging from the ceiling or across the room (rope lights, string, holiday decorations, clothes lines, etc.) are not allowed because they pose additional safety risks in the case of fire.

Decorations and Furnishings: Students must take care to avoid overcrowding in their rooms. Special care and consideration should be given to the nature of decorations chosen for rooms in the residence hall. Holiday or seasonal decorations must be appropriately displayed and utilized. Students choosing to decorate will be held responsible for any damages associated with and/or resulting from these items. The only permitted methods of affixing items to a student door are painter’s tape and Command Strips. Using magnets or other types of tape to affix items to the metal frame around the door may be acceptable if no damage is caused. Pumpkins, gourds, or similar items may not be cut into or hollowed out but may be painted or otherwise decorated. Live trees are not allowed in the residence hall. All plants must be disposed of in the dumpster behind the building before they begin to rot or decompose. When decorating student doors, the room number must remain visible at all times. Materials with people, places, or things derogatory in nature or otherwise deemed inappropriate by Academy personnel are prohibited. Students may be required at any time to remove such materials. Items may be hung flush along the wall but may not be hung between room fixtures, furniture, or appliances because of the increased safety risks in the case of fire. While Academy furniture may be moved within the room, it may not be stacked, lofted, or altered. Likewise, modification or repurposing of Academy furniture is prohibited. No Academy furniture, floors, ceilings, or walls may be painted. When a student room is vacated, it must be returned to its original condition and arrangement. Charges will be assessed for any damages incurred.

Flammable Items: Flammable items including, but not limited to, lighters, matches, soldering irons, or any other items used to start fires, candles, burnable incense, lighter fluid, and kerosene lamps are prohibited. Burning of anything and/or smoking in rooms and on campus grounds is absolutely prohibited. (See also, SMOKING.)

Lighting: Bulbs used in lamps and ceiling fixtures must not exceed the recommended wattage for that fixture and may be no more than 60 watts. For safety reasons, cellophane, theatre gel, or colored paper may not be used inside fixtures or on lampshades.

Personal Items: Personal items are not to be left in public spaces when item(s) are not in use. For example, items are not to be left in hallways, laundry rooms, bathrooms, lounges, courtyards, etc. This includes but is not limited to: laundry left in laundry rooms, items left in hallways (shoes, shower caddies, athletic gear, umbrellas, etc.) dishes left in bathroom or laundry room sinks, etc. Items abandoned in these areas may be confiscated by the Student Life Staff; these items would be subject to and fall under the Academy’s lost and found and/or abandoned property policies (See also LOST AND FOUND or ABANDONED PROPERTY).

Room Entry: The entry of each student room must be clear of obstructions, including furniture or draperies interfering with full vision of the room from the doorway.

Windows: The original curtains should remain on the windows. The Academy prohibits any curtains, blinds, and/or window treatments not provided by the Academy. A window or screen is not to be removed unless removed by maintenance personnel. Students may not enter or exit a room through the window, nor may they pass materials in or out. Materials may not be displayed in or on windows. Students are responsible to close their windows during inclement weather to avoid possible damage to Academy or personal property and/or the window itself. Furniture may not be arranged in ways that block the view into the room from the hallway or obstruct the window due to building regulations and Fire Code.

Approved and Non-Approved Items

Some of the items that students need to bring are:

  • Disinfectant spray, wipes, hand sanitizer, tissues, face mask, etc.
  • Towels, washcloths, sheets (extra-long twin), blankets, and pillows.
  • Hangers, alarm clocks, and laundry supplies (detergent, dryer sheets, quarters, etc.).
  • All personal care supplies (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, comb/brush, deodorant etc.).
  • School supplies (backpack/bag, pens, pencils, notebooks, headphones, flash drive, etc.).
  • Cleaning supplies (residents are responsible for cleaning own portion of room)
  • Small trash bags

Some of the items a student may wish to bring are:

  • Watches, laundry bags/baskets, shower shoes, bathrobe, umbrella, and irons.
  • Posters, photos, decorations, or personal mementos.
  • Safe sports equipment and musical instruments.
  • Cellphone, UL-approved power strip with surge protector and maximum load of 15 amps, batteries, personal fans, personal electronic devices (tablet, DVD/Blu-ray), and small stereos
  • Shower/bathroom carry-all
  • Snacks and reusable water bottle
  • Air freshener

Other Optional Approved Items

Bikes: Students are permitted to have bicycles on campus. Bicycles must be stored and locked in designated racks. They are only to be brought inside the residence hall or stored in student rooms during extended weekends and vacation periods with prior permission from the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs. (See BICYCLES in ABCs of Student Life)

Microwaves/Refrigerators: Students may have small microwave ovens. Refrigerators are permitted, providing that they are no larger than 5 cubic feet and do not exceed 1.6 amps while running. Each dorm room may not exceed the limit of 2 refrigerators per room. Units may not be placed in wardrobe or cubical furniture provided in student rooms. Students are responsible for any damage caused by any type of appliance. In the interest of safety, all extension cords must be UL approved and in good condition.

The following are examples of non-approved items: halogen lamps, space heaters, free standing non window air conditioning unit, lighters, matches, or any other items used to start fires, candles*, incense, fireworks, lock picking devices and similar equipment, fog machines, pornography, open cooking units (e.g. camp stoves, etc.), cooking appliances (including but not limited to immersion heaters, oil popcorn poppers, hot plates/burners, water heaters, and toaster ovens), appliances without automatic shut off (included but not limited to coffee makers, clothing irons, or similar devices with a high temperature heating element), grills, electric/kerosene or other portable heaters, water filled furniture, pets (except fresh water aquatic animals that can survive 24 hours a day under water), laboratory specimens, dry ice, real or toy weapons (See also WEAPONS) , ammunition, combustible fluids (gasoline, kerosene, paint thinners, etc.), dangerous chemicals (such as poisonous, hazardous, unstable, etc.) dangerous scientific equipment (scalpels, etc.), hoverboards**, spray paint, alcohol/tobacco advertisements such as posters and neon lights, drug/alcohol/tobacco paraphernalia, empty alcohol/tobacco containers, personal vaporizer or inhaler (vape pens, atomizers, MONQ Essential Oil, JUUL, etc.), e-liquids or similar items (vape juice, JUUL pods, etc.), any product containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or synthetic cannabinoids, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), drones or similar items, and any curtains, blinds, and/or window treatments other than what is provided by the Academy. The interior/exterior portions of doors are considered part of student rooms. Students sometimes affix materials to the outside of their room doors. When decorating student doors, the room number must remain visible at all times. Students are encouraged to decorate doors in a manner that is consistent with the Academy’s goal to promote a positive living and learning environment. Do not post material that attacks, demeans, or otherwise exploits an individual or group of individuals, and do not permanently affix materials to the door. Materials with people, places, or things derogatory or inflammatory in nature or otherwise deemed inappropriate by Academy personnel are prohibited. Students may be required at any time to remove such materials. This list is not exhaustive, and the Academy staff reserves the right to determine the acceptability of items in student rooms. Students are responsible to verify approval of any item not clearly listed as approved or non-approved by Student Life personnel before use. Any sentimental items that may be non-approved like a pocket knife, candle, or similar family heirloom should be left at home.

*Wickless Candles are allowed.

**Hoverboards and any balancing scooters with batteries are not permitted in the residence hall due to fire safety concerns. Anyone storing or using one in the residence hall, dining facility, Burris, or other Academy property will be subject to discipline.

Fire / Disaster Procedures

The Academy practices periodic fire/disaster drills. Absolute and immediate student cooperation is required. Each student’s cooperation is vital in helping to protect and ensure the safety of the entire Academy community. At opening floor meetings, students will be informed of the correct safety procedures in case of a drill or emergency situation. Students may be restricted from leaving the building if weather conditions are deemed unsafe by Academy personnel. In the event of a Wind Advisory or severe weather, students may be asked to close their windows for the duration of the advisory for safety purposes. Students failing to cooperate with Academy staff during fire/disaster procedures are subject to disciplinary action. For more information please see the Ball State Emergency Preparedness page.

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