School Counselor Workshop

For registrations after Monday, February 7, 2022, please contact our office by email at outreach.
Join us online for our 2022 School Counselor Workshop on Friday, February 11, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
We have an amazing group of speakers scheduled for you and only for $25 ($10 for college undergrads*), and the price includes Continuing Education Units (CEUs) issued from Ball State University. In recognition of National School Counseling Week and our way of saying thank you, we will also have prizes and giveaways during the event!
Online School Counselor Workshop Agenda**
9:00 a.m. – Online Zoom Room Opens
9:30 a.m. – Welcome
10:00 a.m. – Understanding and Creating Better Environments for Marginalized Students
Jo Tuite
Associate Director of Admissions
Dr. Tuite directs the Office of Admissions at the Indiana Academy. Her research interests include the experiences of high ability, LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or queer) students. She is a frequent speaker at conferences that focus on high-ability/high-achieving students.
Mindy Wallpe
Assistant Director of Mental Health and Support Services
Dr. Wallpe is the Assistant Director of Mental Health and Support Services at the Indiana Academy. In this position, she serves at the primary in-house therapist and strives to promote the emotional well-being of all Indiana Academy Students. Dr. Wallpe is a licensed psychologist and joined the Indiana Academy in January 2017.
Stephanie Nagelkirk
Inclusive Excellence Coordinator
Mrs. Nagelkirk joined the Indiana Academy in 2005 as an instructor of English. She became the Inclusive Excellence Coordinator in 2019 in addition to being the Humanities Division Chair, English Department Head, and Title IX Coordinator. Her research focuses on the confluence between Postcolonial and African-American difference feminisms, and among her specialty courses are African-American Literature, Literature of the Holocaust, and Women’s Literature. Passionate about advocacy for marginalized populations, she created the Academy’s Student Equity Council and the Bias Incident Reporting system along with also serving as chair of the Inclusion Alliance, which oversees Academy initiatives around DEI matters.
11:00 a.m. – Exploring the Coming Out Process for Gifted LGBTQ+ Students: When, to whom, and why not?
Jo Tuite
Associate Director of Admissions
Dr. Tuite directs the Office of Admissions at the Indiana Academy. Her research interests include the experiences of high ability, LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or queer) students. She is a frequent speaker at conferences that focus on high-ability/high-achieving students.
Lisa DaVia Rubenstein
Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at Ball State University
Dr. Rubenstein previously worked as a classroom teacher. Recently, she won the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Early Scholar Award. She directs BSU’s undergraduate gifted and talented programs and completes research examining motivation, creativity, and talent development.
Serena J. Salloum
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at Ball State University
Dr. Salloum coauthored publications that examine how school context promotes educational outcomes and her current projects include studies of how early career teachers’ planning and enactment of mathematics instruction is influenced by their social network members and social context.
Noon – Lunch on your own. Or stay and network in the Zoom Room!
1:00 p.m. – Bias Incident Reporting System
Stephanie Nagelkirk
Inclusive Excellence Coordinator
Mrs. Nagelkirk joined the Indiana Academy in 2005 as an instructor of English. She became the Inclusive Excellence Coordinator in 2019 in addition to being the Humanities Division Chair, English Department Head, and Title IX Coordinator. Her research focuses on the confluence between Postcolonial and African-American difference feminisms, and among her specialty courses are African-American Literature, Literature of the Holocaust, and Women’s Literature. Passionate about advocacy for marginalized populations, she created the Academy’s Student Equity Council and the Bias Incident Reporting system along with also serving as chair of the Inclusion Alliance, which oversees Academy initiatives around DEI matters.
1:30 p.m. – Accessing the Academic Anxiety Resource Center (AARC) to Serve Learners in Need
Dr. Jerrell C. Cassady
Professor of Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology
Teachers College, Ball State University
Teachers College, Ball State University
Dr. Cassady is the director of the Academic Anxiety Resource Center ( and the Research Design Studio ( He’s been at Ball State since 1999. His areas of expertise include test anxiety, human learning, teacher education, and research design.
Keeli Rincon
Keeli Rincon is a student of school psychology in the Ed.S. program at Ball State University and works as a Graduate Assistant in the Academic Anxiety Resource Center. While pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in Indianapolis, Keeli completed her undergraduate practicum at Peace Learning Center and gained experience teaching mindfulness, coping skills, and other social-emotional skills to students in a public-school setting.
2:30 p.m. – Closing & Final Thoughts
3:00 p.m. – Program Ends
Workshop Payments and Cancellations
All cancellations must be submitted in writing, and no refunds will be given for cancellations received after Friday, February 4, 2022. For registrations after Monday, February 7, 2022, please contact our office at outreach.
Please contact our office at outreach or by phone at 765-286-6156.
* Please contact our office for the student discount.
** Speakers, program sessions, and times are subject to change.