Student Handbook – Acceptable Use Policy

◄ Technology Use Policies

Acceptable Use Policy

The Academy operates and provides for its students a wide variety of computer hardware and software as well as access to network and Internet services for educational purposes and communication with others. The Academy has made and will continue to make a strong commitment to provide a state of the art computing and telecommunications environment for its students. The Academy expects the highest standards of integrity as students use the equipment, software, network, and Internet it has provided.

  1. Computer Use is a Privilege, Not a Right

    Student use of the Indiana Academy and Ball State University computers and related equipment, software, network, and Internet services is a privilege, not a right. Unacceptable use, activity, or care may result in suspension or cancellation of privileges as well as additional disciplinary action and/or legal action.

  2. Acceptable Use

    Student access to the computers, software, networks, and Internet services are provided for educational purposes and research consistent with the Indiana Academy’s mission, curriculum, and goals.

    The same rules and expectations govern student use of computers as apply to other student conduct and communication.

    Students are further expected to comply with these rules and all specific instructions from the teacher, SLC, or other supervising Academy personnel when accessing the computers, software, networks and Internet services.

  3. Prohibited Use

    The student is responsible for their actions and activities involving the Indiana Academy and Ball State University computers, software, network, and Internet services, and for their computer files, passwords and accounts. These rules extend to any computer or electronic communication device if it is being used at the Indiana Academy or Ball State or communicating to someone at the Academy or Ball State. Prohibited uses may result in disciplinary action by the Indiana Academy. Examples of unacceptable uses that are expressly prohibited include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1. Criminal speech and speech in the course of committing a crime. For example: threats to the President, instructions on breaking into computer systems, child pornography, drug dealing, purchase of alcohol, gang activities, etc.
    2. Speech inappropriate in an educational setting or in violation of Academy rules such as obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, disrespectful, threatening, or inflammatory language.
    3. Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, forwarding, downloading, scanning, or displaying materials that are sexually explicit or suggestive.
    4. Harassment: personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks, false or defamatory material about a person or organization. Depending upon the specific behavior in question, the Academy’s Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy may be applicable as well.
    5. Dangerous information: information that if acted upon could cause damage or present a danger or disruption.
    6. Violations of privacy: revealing personal contact information such as names addresses, credit card details, telephone numbers or other violations of personal safety.
    7. Invasion of privacy: all parties must be notified when items such as cell phones, web cameras or other devices that capture, record, or transmit audio, video or photographic content are being used in spaces where natural privacy is expected such as dorm rooms, bathrooms and all other residential floor areas. The use of cell phones, webcams and other devices with photographic, audio and/or video capabilities cannot be used in a manner that creates a hostile and/or uncomfortable environment for any person.
    8. Abuse of resources: chain letters, “trolling,” or “spamming.”
    9. Copyright infringement: copying or downloading copyrighted material without the owner’s permission. Offending users may have access to the network restricted and the device in question confiscated and cleared of all illegally obtained files by Ball State University.
    10. Plagiarism: representing as one’s own work any material obtained on the Internet (such as term papers, articles, etc.). When Internet sources are used in student work, the author, publisher and Web site must be identified. (See policy on Academic Dishonesty in the student handbook.)
    11. Unauthorized copying of software/data or use and distribution of pirated software/data: copying, downloading, and/or using software/data without the express authorization of the owner.
    12. Using the Academy or Ball State computers, software, network, or Internet services for non-related school purposes such as private financial gain, commercial advertising, or solicitation purposes.
    13. Misuse of passwords/unauthorized access: sharing passwords, using other users’ passwords without permission and/or accessing other user accounts.
    14. Malicious use/vandalism: any malicious use, disruption, or harm to the Academy or Ball State computers, software, network, and Internet services, including but not limited to hacking activities and creation/uploading of computer viruses.
  4. No Expectation of Privacy

    The Indiana Academy and Ball State reserve the right to monitor all computer and Internet activity by students. Students should have no expectation of privacy in their use of computers, including e-mail and stored files.

  5. Compensation for Losses, Costs, and/or Damages

    The student and/or student’s parent/guardian shall be responsible for compensating the Academy and Ball State for any losses, costs, or damages incurred related to violations of this Acceptable Use Policy.

  6. The Indiana Academy and Ball State University Assume No Responsibility for Unauthorized Charges, Costs, or Illegal Use

    The Indiana Academy and Ball State University assume no responsibility for any unauthorized charges made by students, including but not limited to credit card charges, long distance telephone charges, equipment and line costs, or for any illegal use of its computer such as copyright violations.

NOTICE: This policy and all its provisions are subordinate to local, state, and federal statutes.

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