Student Handbook – Non-Residential Early College Program Policies

◄ The ABCs of Student Life

Non-Residential Early College Program Policies

The Indiana Academy continues to build and foster academic and social relationships and community within our student body, with a growing effort to emphasize community between Residential and Non-Residential Academy students.


Non-Residential Academy students are invited to participate in Academy sponsored transportation to field trips, programming, events, IHSAA-sponsored sports practices/events, etc. Non-Residential Academy students are permitted to transport themselves to and from Indiana Academy events/activities including sports practices, extracurricular practices, IASMH community-wide events, etc. unless otherwise stated. However, Non-Residential Academy students may not transport themselves to any Academic Competitions or Field Trips where the Academy is providing transportation; In these instances, Non-Residential Academy students must take the Academy-provided transportation. If an Academy student is transported to a sporting event through Burris/Academy Athletic transportation (e.g. the bus to an away game/match, etc.) they are expected to also return via that transportation – for more information, please contact the Burris Athletic Director regarding exceptions to this policy/necessary paperwork.

Non-Residential Academy student photo I.D.s grant Non-Residential Academy students access to the Ball State Shuttle system, Charlie’s Charter, and the Muncie M.I.T.S. bus for free. See also TRANSPORTATION for additional details.

Non-Residential Academy students may purchase a Ball State Commuter Parking Pass that grants access to all GREEN Surface Commuter lots on Ball State Campus Mon – Fri 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. These lots fill up on a first-come, first-served basis and may require parking at the Stadium and using the Ball State Shuttle to arrive on campus close to Wagoner Hall. There are three Green Surface Commuter lots around the parking garage just East of Wagoner Hall, as well as near the Student Recreational Center, North Dining Complex, and Scheumann Stadium. There is no overnight parking in any commuter lot between 3:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. Vehicles parked overnight may be towed at the owner or operator’s expense. A commuter permit does not authorize parking in the commuter restricted (CR8) area of the Student Center garage. Commuter permits are sold on an academic-year basis. They cannot be purchased by the semester.

The streets surrounding Wagoner Hall/Burris Laboratory School consist mostly of 2-hour parking. For other parking inquiries and further information, please contact the Residential and Student Affairs Administrative Coordinator.

Meals on Campus

Non-Residential Academy students can bring food to campus or use the Kitchenette in Wagoner Hall for food preparation by signing out the Kitchen Key from the front desk and logging use in the Stuff Book at the front desk (please see HOUSEKEEPING for guidelines of use). Non-Residential Academy students may also eat in University Dining Halls (using BSU Dining Cash or using their own payment method), or eat at a nearby restaurant or fast food establishment (at their expense). Acceptable food in Wagoner Hall and/or Burris Laboratory School may vary depending on allergen needs of other students. Non-Residential Academy students are always encouraged to avoid consuming food products with known probability of causing anaphylactic reactions to others (i.e. peanut butter, shellfish, etc.) in Wagoner Hall and are expected to clean up their table/chair/area after eating in shared spaces. For further information, please contact the Residential and Student Affairs Administrative Coordinator.

Wagoner Hall

Visitation Policy for Non-Residential Academy Students

This policy relates to all Non-Residential Academy (NECP and International Homestay) students. It does not pertain to other visitors of Academy students such as relatives, friends, or other guests who are not currently enrolled as Academy students. The purpose of this policy is to continue to enhance academic opportunities, further intellectual pursuits, and foster social connections between all Academy students. Please note, if you have a question about or want to do something that is not clearly outlined in policy below, please ask a Residential and Student Affairs staff member before proceeding. All Non-Residential Academy Students are expected to follow Wagoner Hall Residential Guidelines as outlined in the Student Room and Safety Guidelines, the Residential and Student Affairs Policies and Procedures (with exception for Card and Face Checks as outlined for Residential Students) and the ABCs of Student Life. Guardians of Non-Residential Academy students may be expected to immediately come get their student or student may be asked to leave immediately if deemed necessary by Residential and Student Affairs staff members.

Public Areas Use (Jeep & Burkhart Lounges, Willis Commons, etc.)
Non-Residential Academy students have access to all public areas in Wagoner Hall, including Burkhart Lounge, Jeep Lounge, and the Kitchenette for general visitation purposes as well as Willis (Elliott) Commons and the 2nd Floor Conference Room for supervised club/class/extracurricular or school-sponsored activities. Please see LOUNGE USE for more information.

Non-Residential Academy Student Lockers are located in Burkhart Lounge, across from the front desk. Each Non-Residential Academy student will be assigned a locker. Non-Residential Academy students may use their designated locker to store class materials and personal items during the day/overnight. Perishable items should not be left overnight in Non-Residential Academy student lockers. Residential and Student Affairs Staff reserve the right to enter a Non-Residential Academy student’s locker. Please see ENTRY AND SEARCH for more information.

All Non-Residential Academy students have a mailbox in Wagoner Hall near the front desk which is generally shared with another student. Non-Residential Academy students are expected to check their mailboxes regularly using their provided mailbox combination for information from faculty and staff. No student may retrieve mail that is not intended for them or is not directly addressed to them.

Emergency Procedures
All Non-Residential Academy students are expected to comply with Indiana Academy staff instruction in the case of emergency (i.e. tornado warning, fire alarm, etc.). Please see FIRE/DISASTER PROCEDURES for more information.

Wagoner Hall Sign-in Procedure
Non-Residential Academy students will be issued a white card for the purpose of signing in and out of Wagoner Hall. Non-Residential Academy students will be required to sign into the building on their white card any time they enter Wagoner Hall and turn their white card into the front desk. When signing in, Non-Residential Academy students must provide the time they arrive in the building, their expected destination within the building, and the approximate time of departure before turning their card in to the front desk. Prior to leaving, Non-Residential Academy students must retrieve their white card from the front desk and place it back into their card slot near the front door and then promptly leave the building.

Daily Public Area Visitation Hours for Non-Residential Students

Sunday – Thursday:7:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Friday:7:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m.
Saturday:7:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m.

Any requests for visitation outside of these stated hours must be requested from a Team Leader, the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs, or the Director of Residential and Student Affairs on a limited case-by-case basis.

Floor Visitation Sign-in Procedure
Non-Residential Academy students will be required to have a Residential host student when visiting the residential floors.

  • The Non-Residential Academy student must be signed into the building on their white card.
  • Both students will register at the Academy front desk for a non-residential visit.
  • Both students will need to have their IDs available to register and be prepared to list Student Names, Time Entering Floor, and Estimated Departure Time. The Academy Staff member will verify this information, and collect the ID from the non-residential student.

Sign-out Procedure
After leaving the residential floor near the approximated departure time, the non-residential Academy student and their host will return to the Academy front desk.

  • The Non-Residential Academy student will list the actual departure time and sign out on the designated Non-Residential Academy student visitation page of the stuff book.
  • The Academy Staff member will verify this information, return the non-residential Academy student’s ID and initial in the appropriate box.

Daily Floor Visitation Hours for Non-Residential Students

Sunday – Thursday:1:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Friday:5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday:12:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Daily Floor Visitation Rules and Policies

  • Non-Residential Academy students may visit the residential floors only during specified floor visitation times.
  • Non-Residential Academy students may only visit floors that coincide with their birth certificate gender marker.
  • While on the residential floors, they must remain with their identified host at all times. If a Non-Residential Academy student is spending time in a residential student’s room, both the host and the host’s roommate must agree to have the guest in their room.
  • Students must exit the residential floors by the stated curfew for that day (Sun-Thurs: 8:30 p.m. / Fri & Sat: 10 p.m.). Non-Residential Academy students who do not leave the floors by this time will be asked to do so by a Student Life Counselor (SLC) and the Non-Residential Academy student and their host are expected to exit the floor immediately.
  • Repeated disregard for this stated curfew to exit the floor may result in restriction or loss of future visitation privileges and/or additional disciplinary action for all parties.

Additional rules and expectations to be mindful are as follows:

  • Residential students must not share or lend their key or ID to a Non-Residential student for any reason.
  • Non-Residential Academy students may not sleep in their host’s room or anywhere on the residential floors.
  • Non-Residential Academy students may use the restrooms on residential floors but are not allowed to use the showers.
  • Non-residential Academy students must adhere to all residential standards of conduct as specified in the Student Handbook while on the residential floors.
    Violations of these standards include, but are not limited to:
    • Use of vulgar language and/or profanity
    • Roughhousing
    • Failure to sign in/out properly
    • Failure to stay with host
    • Any damage to Academy property
    • 24-hour courtesy hours
    • Public Displays of Affection
    • Dress code
    • Possession of prohibited items/substances
    • Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by Residential and Student Affairs representatives.

Overnight Visitation Pilot Program 2023-2024

This year, the Indiana Academy is piloting a program for Overnight Visitation on Weekend Nights (Friday or Saturday) in an effort to continue to build community amongst our Residential and Non-Residential Students. This program is subject to review and revision as we pilot this new opportunity. The Director of Residential and Student Affairs reserves the right to cancel or amend this program at any time.

Overnight Floor Visitation Hours for Non-Residential Students

Friday:5:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m. the following day (Saturday)
Saturday:1:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m. the following day (Sunday)

Overnight Visitation is available to all Non-Residential Academy students who are in good standing; this includes NECP Juniors, NECP Seniors, International Homestay Juniors, and NECP Sophomores in their 2nd semester. NECP Sophomores in their first semester may not participate in Overnight Visitation. Overnight Visitation is subject to restriction at the discretion of the Director of Residential and Student Affairs due to finals, events, staffing, noncompliance, undue burden, etc. The Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs and the Director of Residential and Student Affairs have the authority to restrict a student’s access to or to cancel visitation for any reason.

Guardians of Non-Residential students participating in Overnight Visitation may be expected to immediately come get their student if deemed necessary by Residential Affairs staff members.


  • Non-Residential Academy students may stay overnight on the residential floors only on Friday and Saturday nights while hosted by a Residential Academy student, unless previously communicated by Residential Life Staff. Overnight visitation may be restricted on specified weekends or nights at the discretion of the Director of Residential and Student Affairs.
  • Non-Residential Academy students may only stay overnight in Wagoner Hall one night per weekend – either Friday or Saturday night.
  • At this time, a maximum of 15 total Non-Residential Academy students may participate in Overnight Visitation on any given Weekend Night (Friday or Saturday). This number is subject to revision and amendment as the discretion of the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs and the Director of Residential and Student Affairs.
  • Non-Residential Academy students may only stay overnight on floors that coincide with their birth certificate gender marker.


  • Permission to stay overnight must be obtained by the Non-Residential Academy student by 4pm on the Friday of the weekend of the intended visit (for either Friday OR Saturday night) by completing and turning in the Overnight Visitation Request Form, which is available at the front desk or online.
  • While on the residential floors, visitors must remain with their host as listed on the Request Form. If a Non-Residential Academy student is spending the night in a Residential Academy student’s room, both the host and the host’s roommate must agree to have the guest in their room as indicated on their Roommate Agreement.
    • Guardians of Residential Academy students may opt out of allowing Overnight Visitation.
  • Students must exit the residential floors by 12 p.m. the following day after Overnight Visitation. They should then follow normal daily visitation guidelines for the rest of the weekend.
  • Non-Residential Academy students who do not leave the floors by specified time will be asked to do so by a Student Life Counselor (SLC) and the Non-Residential Academy student is expected to exit the floor immediately.
  • Repeated disregard for this stated curfew to exit the floor may result in restriction or loss of future visitation privileges and/or additional disciplinary action for all parties.


  • Residential students may only host one Non-Residential student per weekend night.
  • The Non-Residential Academy student must sleep in the room of their designated host.
  • Non-Residential students who drive themselves to Wagoner Hall for visitation will leave vehicle keys at the front desk for the duration of their stay.
  • Residential students must not share or lend their key or ID to a Non-Residential student for any reason.
  • Non-Residential Academy students may use the restrooms on residential floors but are not allowed to use the showers.
  • Non-residential Academy students must adhere to all residential standards of conduct as specified in the Student Handbook while on the residential floors.
  • All meals for Non-Residential students are the responsibility of the Non-Residential student and/or their guardians.

Violations of these standards include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of vulgar language and/or profanity
  • Roughhousing
  • Failure to sign in/out properly
  • Failure to stay with host
  • Any damage to Academy property
  • 24-hour courtesy hours
  • Public Displays of Affection
  • Dress code
  • Possession of prohibited items/substances
  • Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by Residential and Student Affairs representatives.

Any policy violations by Non-Residential students will be addressed by the Residential and Student Affairs staff. Non-residential Academy students visiting residential floors will be subject to discipline issued and deemed necessary by Residential staff members. Non-residential Academy students wishing to be guests on the residential floors are encouraged to read the Indiana Academy Handbook ( and will be required to follow residential policies and standards found within the Handbook while visiting on residential floors.

If a Non-Residential Academy student fails to comply with Academy standards or policies, the student will be asked to leave the floor immediately and return to the main/public lounges. If a Non-Residential Academy student fails to comply with Academy standards or policies in the main/public lounges, the student may be asked to leave Wagoner Hall immediately.


  • For the Non-Residential student, discipline will be issued as visitation restrictions, meaning that the Non-Residential Academy student will not be allowed onto a residential floor as a guest the following day (1st offense), week (2nd offense), 2 weeks (3rd offense), loss of privilege (4th offence).
  • For the residential student, discipline will be issued as host restrictions, meaning that the Residential student will not be allowed to host for the following day (1st offense), week (2nd offense), 2 weeks (3rd offense), loss of privilege (4th offence).
  • Both Academy students (non-residential and residential) will be emailed with the information pertaining to their discipline, including the offense, the subsequent discipline, and the date for the discipline. The student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will be copied on this email for their reference.
  • On the issuance of a fourth visitation restriction/hosting restriction, the non-residential Academy student will not be allowed back onto residential floors nor the residential student be allowed to host until the following semester. A student’s restriction/hosting count will reset at the end of each semester.
  • Any Major Discipline infractions may result in a suspension for either student. Please see MAJOR DISCIPLINE for further information.

If it is decided by the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs and/or the Director of Residential and Student Affairs that a student is unable to abide by Academy standards and policies, that student may be barred from visiting residential floors or hosting for the remainder of their time as an Academy student.


Because Overnight Visitation is a pilot program, the Associate Director of Residential and Student Affairs and/or the Director of Residential and Student Affairs reserve the right to revise or amend disciplinary consequences issued for Overnight infractions at any time.

  • For the Non-Residential student, discipline will be issued as visitation restrictions, meaning that the Non-Residential Academy student will not be allowed onto a residential floor as an overnight guest the following week (1st offense), the semester (2nd offense), loss of privilege (3rd offence).
  • For the residential student, discipline will be issued as host restrictions, meaning that the Residential student will not be allowed to host for the following week (1st offense), the semester (2nd offense), loss of privilege (3rd offence).
  • Any Major Discipline infractions may result in a suspension for either student. Please see MAJOR DISCIPLINE for further information.

Both Academy students (non-residential and residential) will be emailed with the information pertaining to their discipline, including the offense, the subsequent discipline, and the date for the discipline. The student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will be copied on this email for their reference.

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